All combos stopped working


M Skabialka

Access 2007. I am creating a new database, lots of trial and error in code,
etc. Noticed that a combo wasn't working on one form, then realized none of
my combos are working in the entire database, every form. I click them and
nothing happens. All other functions, button, etc work.
What did I do?

Ken Snell MVP

Did you set the Locked property of a combo box to Yes, and then save that
combo box as the default configuration for new combo boxes that you add to
your form?

Linq Adams via

What exactly does "none of my combos are working" mean? Can you not select an
item from them? The most common culprit in this case is having them on a form
that does not allow edits. Either AllowEdits is set to No or the form is
based on a wuery that is read-only, due to its design.

Can you, in fact, edit data on these forms?

M Skabialka

The combos not working means that I click them expecting a dropdown but
nothing happens. It happened on all forms simultaneously, including ones I
hadn't touched recently. I then used the combo wizard to add a new combo to
see if it effected that one too, and when the wizard got to the step where
you use a combo to select which field to sort in ascending/descending order,
this combo didn't work either. I clicked and nothing happened. So I set
the machine to run a chkdsk on next boot, rebooted and waited an hour while
it ran chkdsk and now all is well. I guess it was a system issue, not my
database, or Access itself.
Thanks for looking into it,

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