System Administrator
Outlook 2007 SP1 on Windows XP Pro SP3. Standalone install (no
Exchange Server). Standard search (WDS not installed, no indexing
being done).
1. Conducting an All Mail Items search with a particular search
string returns a window populating with data then upon completion of
search the window is cleared of all found data and the message "No
matches found for <search string>" is returned.
2. Conducting a search within a single folder using the identical
search string returns lots of data.
Why does the All Mail Items search clear the found data at the
completion of the search? I have multiple .pst files to search and
each must be searched using multiple search strings making having to
search each indidividual folder of each .pst file a very lengthy
Exchange Server). Standard search (WDS not installed, no indexing
being done).
1. Conducting an All Mail Items search with a particular search
string returns a window populating with data then upon completion of
search the window is cleared of all found data and the message "No
matches found for <search string>" is returned.
2. Conducting a search within a single folder using the identical
search string returns lots of data.
Why does the All Mail Items search clear the found data at the
completion of the search? I have multiple .pst files to search and
each must be searched using multiple search strings making having to
search each indidividual folder of each .pst file a very lengthy