All office 2004 applications crash on start up



Hi this has been a bad one for me , Entourage works fine..BUT all the
other office applications crash at the loading screen with this error.

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2005-07-01 10:02:58 +0100
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Version:
Module Name: ATS
Module Version: unknown
Module Offset: 0x0002aa8c
Extra app info: Reg=English Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x96b7aa8c in _FixPostScriptName + 0x000001A8 (ATS + 0x0002aa8c)
# 2 0x96b79598 in _FOGetNameInternal + 0x000002A4 (ATS + 0x00029598)
# 3 0x96b6ae6c in __eFOGetName + 0x00000284 (ATS + 0x0001ae6c)
# 4 0x96b6abc0 in _FOGetName + 0x0000005C (ATS + 0x0001abc0)
# 5 0x91659c78 in _ATSUGetIndFontName + 0x0000009C (QD + 0x00079c78)
# 6 0x92a49050 in __Z16FindBestFontNamemmPmS_S_mPcS_S_ + 0x00000178
(HIToolbox + 0x001c9050)
# 7 0x92a54fd4 in __Z20BuildFontNamesRecordmsm + 0x00000068
(HIToolbox + 0x001d4fd4)
# 8 0x92a413ec in __Z14AppendFontMenuP8MenuDatasmPm + 0x0000019C
(HIToolbox + 0x001c13ec)
# 9 0x9299ddf4 in __Z23_CreateStandardFontMenuP8MenuDatatsmPm +
0x00000054 (HIToolbox + 0x0011ddf4)
# 10 0x005a10c0 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x00030cd0)
# 11 0x005a0b7c in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0003078c)
# 12 0x0057e518 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0000e128)
# 13 0x0057e4ac in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0000e0bc)
# 14 0x005a0af8 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x00030708)
# 15 0x005a0a78 in (MCPZ.stb + 0x00030688)
# 16 0x0203d788 in (Microsoft Word + 0x0001dce8)
# 17 0x02022cdc in (Microsoft Word + 0x0000323c)
# 18 0x02020360 in (Microsoft Word + 0x000008c0)
# 19 0x01023430 in (Microsoft_Office_2001Z + 0x0000cec0)
# 20 0x020200b4 in (Microsoft Word + 0x00000614)
# 21 0x02b052ec in (Microsoft Word + 0x00ae584c)

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x96b7aa8c srr1: 0x0200f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x96b79598 ctr: 0x9011c160 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0x0000003b r1: 0xbfffe0f0 r2: 0x0000005c r3:0x0000001d
r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x0000002d r7:0x0143548a
r8: 0x00405000 r9: 0xfef16653 r10: 0x00000001 r11:0x0103048a
r12: 0x0034badc r13: 0x0316b88c r14: 0x0316b858 r15:0x00000003
r16: 0xbffff518 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xbfffe3f8 r19:0xbfffe3fc
r20: 0xbfffe3f4 r21: 0xbfffe358 r22: 0xbfffe344 r23:0xbfffe348
r24: 0x0177e63c r25: 0x0034bac0 r26: 0x086b34b4 r27:0x0000001d
r28: 0x0034bac0 r29: 0x086b3508 r30: 0x086b3502 r31:0x96b79304

Thread 1:

# 1 0x900127c8 in _clock_sleep_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x9000d9b8 in _nanosleep + 0x00000078 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 3 0x9002da08 in _sleep + 0x00000048 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 4 0x0176760c in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000BAC (ShMem +
# 5 0x01766ad8 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000078 (ShMem +
# 6 0x01766c04 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x000001A4 (ShMem +
# 7 0x017676e4 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000C84 (ShMem +
# 8 0x9002490c in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900127c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x9000d9b8 ctr: 0x900127c0 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffc2 r1: 0xf0080af0 r2: 0xf0080ac4 r3:0x00000507
r4: 0x00000001 r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x00000000 r7:0xf0080b30
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x000010ac r10: 0x2a2c037d r11:0xa000470c
r12: 0x900127c0 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x0000001e r26: 0x00000078 r27:0x017774dc
r28: 0xf0080bb0 r29: 0xa00016e8 r30: 0xf0080ba0 r31:0x9000d950

Thread 2:

# 1 0x8fe26728 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (dyld + 0x00026728)
# 2 0x8fe31f34 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (dyld + 0x00031f34)
# 3 0x8fe16224 in _server_loop + 0x00000088 (dyld + 0x00016224)
# 4 0x8fe16054 in _start_debug_thread + 0x00000144 (dyld +

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x8fe26728 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x8fe31f34 ctr: 0x8fe1a688 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0x086f3cf0 r2: 0x00000000 r3:0x086f3d90
r4: 0x00000002 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000040 r7:0x00004503
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11:0x84510334
r12: 0x8fe1a688 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x8fe53254 r15:0x8fe507a0
r16: 0x8fe507d0 r17: 0x8fe5079c r18: 0x8fe507a0 r19:0x086f3dd0
r20: 0x8fe507cc r21: 0x8fe5079c r22: 0x8fe507cc r23:0x8fe53254
r24: 0x086f3d90 r25: 0x00000040 r26: 0x00004503 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x00000002 r31:0x8fe161b0

Loaded modules:

0: Microsoft Word ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word
1: MicrosoftLSLibZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
2: MCPZ.stb ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
3: MCPCoreZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
4: Microsoft_Office_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
5: ShMem ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office
6: Microsoft Word ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word
7: libz.1.1.3.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib
8: DVComponentGlue:
9: dyld: /usr/lib/dyld
10: libSystem.B.dylib: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
11: CoreFoundation:
12: CarbonCore:
13: IOKit: /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
14: OSServices:
15: CommonPanels:
16: libRIP.A.dylib:
17: ApplicationServices:
18: DesktopServicesPriv:
19: SecurityHI:
20: Carbon:
21: SystemConfiguration:
22: SpeechSynthesis:
23: Bom: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
24: CoreServices:
25: DiskArbitration:
26: LangAnalysis:
27: ColorSync:
28: libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib: /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
29: QD:
30: AE:
31: PrintCore:
32: OpenScripting:
33: ImageCapture:
34: Print:
35: NavigationServices:
36: libCGATS.A.dylib:
37: libCSync.A.dylib:
38: libPDFRIP.A.dylib:
39: FindByContent:
40: LaunchServices:
41: Security:
42: CFNetwork:
43: WebServicesCore:
44: HIToolbox:
45: HIServices:
46: CoreGraphics:
47: libmathCommon.A.dylib: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
48: libcups.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
49: Ink:
50: Help:
51: libPSRIP.A.dylib:
52: libz.1.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
53: SearchKit:
54: SpeechRecognition:
55: libresolv.9.dylib: /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
56: libBLAS.dylib:
57: libLAPACK.dylib:
58: libvMisc.dylib:
59: AudioToolbox:
60: CarbonSound:
61: libicucore.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
62: HTMLRendering:
63: libssl.0.9.7.dylib: /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
64: ATS:
65: CoreAudio:
66: vecLib:
67: libbsm.dylib: /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
68: libvDSP.dylib:
69: AudioUnit:
70: QuickTime:

Operating System Information
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
CPU: G4 (7450), Number: 2, Speed: 866 MHz
gestaltPhysicalRAMSize err = 0, result = 2047 MB
gestaltSystemVersion err = 0, result = 0x1039
Screen: 1280 x 1024, depth = 32, ltbr = 0, 0, 1024, 1280

Microsoft Application Information:
Error Reporting UUID: BD4AD450-D7F5-11D9-A851-000393D7036C
Time from launch: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 2 seconds
Total errors on this client: 38

I have removed and reinstalled office twice now trying to fix the
problem but I get exactly the same error evrytime.

Does anybody know what is happening ? Any tips?


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi this has been a bad one for me , Entourage works fine..BUT all the
other office applications crash at the loading screen with this error.

COnsidering the number of recference to fonts in your crash log, I have
very little doubt a Font problem is generating the crashes.

You either have a corrupted font, or corrupted font cache. Check out
Check out JE McGimpsey's page on troubleshooting for a description of
what you can do:


JE McGimpsey

I have removed and reinstalled office twice now trying to fix the
problem but I get exactly the same error evrytime.

Does anybody know what is happening ? Any tips?

Removing and reinstalling, while a common Windows "troubleshooting"
technique, rarely does anything for Mac applications. Apps just don't
corrupt very frequently.

Second, unless you use the Remove Office application (found on your
install disk) you probably don't get all the files you need to remove,
so the problem will recur.

It looks to me from your crash log that Word crashed due to a bad font.

Check out the general troubleshooting techniques here (use a non-Safari
browser, or hit refresh a couple of times per page):


You can use Font Book to quickly resolve duplicate fonts. That may be
enough. If not, use Font Book to disable most of your fonts to see if
that cures the problem, then add them back until the problem returns to
isolate the problem font(s).

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