All recipients aren't showing up in the To: field



When I receive an email sent to a bunch of people, only my email address
shows in the To: field. So it looks like I'm the only one that got the
email. I only see that others got the same email when someone else replies.
The sender is not using the CC or BCC fields, he is putting all the
recipients in the To: field. And he is listing the recipents individually,
they are not part of a group. We are using Outlook 2003 and are on Exchange
5.5 - any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Remove ABCD from Email address to reply

Is it possible that the sender is using a mail merge? Are you saying that
all other users are seeing all of the people who got the email but only you
are not?


No, unfortunately the sender is not using a mail merge, which is why this is
so confusing. They are just sending a regular email and putting all the
addresses in the To: field. Everyone else that got the email can see all
the people listed. This is happening to me and one other person as well, so
I was hoping there was a setting in Outlook that I had overlooked.

Thanks for your replies!

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