All_of_A_Sudden Sync Problems with Entourage Calendar/MobileMe



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

All of a sudden, Microsoft Sync started freaking out whenever I try to sync with MobileMe. It was all working before, and I did not change anything on purpose, so I am wondering what could have happened or what I need to reset now. Please see these screen shots for details (Entourage Sync Problem 1 & 2). The error goes away when I unselect "Synchronize contacts with Address Book and MobileME"- as always, thx so much for ur help!
Error info: <>

Corentin Cras-Méneur

All of a sudden, Microsoft Sync started freaking out whenever I try to
sync with MobileMe. It was all working before, and I did not change
anything on purpose, so I am wondering what could have happened or what
I need to reset now.

You might have some corrupted data.
An easy thing you could try would be to turn off everything in the
Entourage preferences, then re-enable them one by one, giving them some
time to sync before proceeding to the next one.
Please see these screen shots for details
(Entourage Sync Problem 1 & 2). The error goes away when I unselect
"Synchronize contacts with Address Book and MobileME"- as always, thx so
much for ur help!
Error info: <>

You mean it comes back if you re-enable it??
You could turn syncing off, export your contacts to an archive, delete
your contacts, and restore them from the archive (though you might lose
categories in the process, let me know if it is a big deal for you).



Thx Corentin for the reply! Your suggestion is what I have been trying. Whenever I turn on Sync Contacts with Address Book and MobileMe in Entourage Preferences, I get the MS sync error, over and over again until I uncheck this preference. Driving me nuts! I am resisting totally blowing the data away, as I have categories and projects assigned to most contacts. Any more ideas? thx!!!


Here is the crashing thread report from MS Sync Services:
Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-10-18 10:01:17 +0545
Application Name: Microsoft Sync Services
Application Bundle ID:
Application Signature: MSS1
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: unknown
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: unknown
Blame Module Name: unknown
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: unknown
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x6e756f63 in ( + 0x00000000)
# 2 0x92338f49 in _objc_assign_strongCast + 0x92287F2B (libobjc.A.dylib + 0x00009f49)
# 3 0x9146197f in .objc_class_name___CFx606449CPF + 0x912D1D53 (CoreFoundation + 0x0004b97f)
# 4 0x91488e93 in .objc_class_name___CFx606449CPF + 0x912F9267 (CoreFoundation + 0x00072e93)
# 5 0x000070b8 in __mh_execute_header + 0x000060B8 (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x000060b8)
# 6 0x0001b93c in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001A93C (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x0001a93c)
# 7 0x0001b7cc in __mh_execute_header + 0x0001A7CC (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x0001a7cc)
# 8 0x0000c0fc in __mh_execute_header + 0x0000B0FC (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x0000b0fc)
# 9 0x0000274a in __mh_execute_header + 0x0000174A (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x0000174a)
# 10 0x00002671 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00001671 (Microsoft Sync Services + 0x00001671)

X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00003a74 ebx: 0x975d9564 ecx: 0x975fabc4 edx:0x68746957
edi: 0x171afea0 esi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0xbffff668 esp:0xbffff61c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x6e756f63 cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010246


I am seeing this in the console, although a lot of other apps get this same error. I think these are a byproduct of running Pathfinder5 however.

10/18/09 6:28:09 PM Microsoft Sync Services[991] The plugin /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PathFinderHack.bundle (net.culater.PathFinderHack) is using a deprecated interface to SIMBL. Please contact the appropriate developer (not the SIMBL author) and refer them to <>


Thx Corentin for the reply! Your suggestion is what I have been trying. Whenever I turn on Sync Contacts with Address Book and MobileMe in EntouragePreferences, I get the MS sync error, over and over again until I uncheck this preference. Driving me nuts! I am resisting totally blowing the data away, as I have categories and projects assigned to most contacts. Any more ideas? thx!!!

Yes, the problem of going to a new identity is you loose your rich
information - categories, links, projects etc. Exporting the addresses
and re-importing them you keep the categories but loose the other
stuff I mentioned.

Before doing this try the following. We'll do two things if needed.
First though, turn off sync in Entourage altogether. Now, go back into
Entourage prefs sync and turn on Addressbook sync only. At the prompt
choose Entourage overwrites Addressbook. See if you get the sync
error. If not, go back into Entourage sync turn off sync, now go back
in and turn it on but choose combine this time. Check to make sure
you're still not getting the error.

If you are still getting the error, its time to try resetting your
syncservices folder. Good support and look up the article
TS1627. Turn off Entourage sync and follow its steps in its entirety
including running the terminal command. Restart your computer and do
everything I mentioned above.

Let us know if this worked. There are many issues with sync services
and sync to third party apps in particular is very problematic. In
Entourage, you can get tons of bizarre behavior.


Brilliant! The steps of turning off all, then just address book sync with overwrite of MobileMe/Address book seemed to do the errors and I am syncing between MobileMe, AddressBook, iPhone, and Entourage again. Nice!


@ Kerry
Thank you so much for this helpful routine. I have been experiencing the exact said issues of MS sync service errors for the past 3 days.

Your routine has definitely helped to eliminate the syncing issue with regards to my address book.

HOWEVER: the entourage calendar vs iCal syncing process is still malfunctioning, persistently causing the same old error messages. Result: not a single entourage calendar entry is making its way into my iCal.

Have you got any idea on what to do?

Thanks so much. All my hopes lay on you. :)


@ Kerry
Thank you so much for this helpful routine. I have been experiencing the exact said issues of MS sync service errors for the past 3 days.

Your routine has definitely helped to eliminate the syncing issue with regards to my address book.

HOWEVER: the entourage calendar vs iCal syncing process is still malfunctioning, persistently causing the same old error messages. Result: not a single entourage calendar entry is making its way into my iCal.

Have you got any idea on what to do?

Thanks so much. All my hopes lay on you. :)

There are some very serious problems with Entourage sync that
Microsoft has not addressed since it was released. In your case, I
suspect you've lost the sync relationship between iCal and Entourage.
Lets just re-sync from scratch which will re-establish the
relationship. One thing that I've pointed out numerous times over the
last almost two years is its best to sync Entourage with just one
module turned on at a time to get the best possible sync outcomes.
Leave your most active module on which is probably cal and tasks and
then switch to another module when you need to sync it by first
turning off the active module and turning on the one you want to sync
say Notes. Always though just have one module turned on at a time to
avoid all these bizarre sync behaviors such as dups and the loss of
the sync relationship. It isn't 100% mind you as there are serious
problems in Apple's sync services so even if you were to just use iCal
alone, it would be far more stable than Entourage but it will muck up
at some point too. Backups are essential.

To re-establish sync go into Entourage sync prefs and turn off all
sync. Once done, go to iCal and delete the iCal calendar Entourage.
Wait for a bit (minute or two) as this deletion needs to write out to
sync services to clear sync services of the calendar. Now go back into
Entourage prefs sync and turn on Calendar and Task sync and choose
combine at the prompt. This will regenerate a new Entourage calendar
in iCal which will be in perfect sync with Entourage and the sync
relationship will now be re-established. You can watch iCal to see the
Entourage Cal reappear with all its events and tasks. Test it if you
want. Finally, if you have a handheld or Mobileme you have to treat
this as a completely new as opposed to established sync. Set your
handheld sync for first time sync which is usually an overwrite of the
handheld from the desktop followed by a sync. Now all is back in

Once again and I know this is a nuisance, just have one module in
Entourage sync enabled at any one time to ensure sync works as
reliably as possible.

Oh and maybe write Microsoft from Entourages help menu send feedback
and tell them they really need to fix this. I've written a million
times and talked to them but its done no good but it never hurts to
have another person say the same thing.


Weighing in a little late here but thought I would post my fix anyway. I have been having the same issues with Entourage and Microsoft Sync.

I found the Microsoft Database Utility found under Applications>Microsoft Office 2008>Office>Microsoft Database Utility and ran 'Rebuild Database'. Seemed to fix the problem immediately.


Weighing in a little late here but thought I would post my fix anyway. I have been having the same issues with Entourage and Microsoft Sync.

I found the Microsoft Database Utility found under Applications>Microsoft Office 2008>Office>Microsoft Database Utility and ran 'Rebuild Database'. Seemed to fix the problem immediately.

That's good if it did as Entourage's DB can easily get corrupted and
that's why I say backup, backup.... However, sync services has some
nasty problems especially with Entourage (scan the forum back to Jan
2008). There is also something everyone should be aware of; rebuilding
the DB sometimes doesn't work and can actually take a perfectly good
DB and corrupt it. It might not be apparent initially until you've
worked with it for a while then all of sudden something funny happens
like in one of the modules a view won't display. You can sometimes
tell immediately if the rebuilt DB is larger than the original. It
should be smaller. MS is aware of the rebuild issue.

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