I have the following macro which asks the user for a password and then
passwords all sheets within a workbook which works exactly as I want.
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If WS.ProtectContents = True Then
Title = "Sheet already Protected"
Style = vbCritical
Message = WS.Name & " already protected"
MsgBox Message, Style, Title
E = E + 1
Title = "Doing Protection"
Style = vbInformation
Message = WS.Name & " protected"
MsgBox Message, Style, Title
WS.Protect (PasswordEntered)
End If
However, I have now discovered that I need to allow Auto Filter and have
inserted the following line just before the ENDIF:-
WS.EnableAutoFilter = True
Unfortunately once the macro has run, the Auto Filter option is not showing
the showing.
I have tried to manually protect the sheets using Tools, Protecting, Protect
Sheet and selected Use AutoFilter and I get the desired effect.
What do I need to do to enable the macro to work properly?
passwords all sheets within a workbook which works exactly as I want.
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If WS.ProtectContents = True Then
Title = "Sheet already Protected"
Style = vbCritical
Message = WS.Name & " already protected"
MsgBox Message, Style, Title
E = E + 1
Title = "Doing Protection"
Style = vbInformation
Message = WS.Name & " protected"
MsgBox Message, Style, Title
WS.Protect (PasswordEntered)
End If
However, I have now discovered that I need to allow Auto Filter and have
inserted the following line just before the ENDIF:-
WS.EnableAutoFilter = True
Unfortunately once the macro has run, the Auto Filter option is not showing
the showing.
I have tried to manually protect the sheets using Tools, Protecting, Protect
Sheet and selected Use AutoFilter and I get the desired effect.
What do I need to do to enable the macro to work properly?