allow edits property of a form


Art Vandaley


I have a form with "MSCAL.Calendar.7" control. I use it for filling some
textboxes showing days of related week. First group of textbox are unbounded
and for calculation something like following:

control source=Format([calendar2]-Weekday([calendar2];2)+1;"dd/mm";2)

Second group of textboxes are bounded to the related fields of a table and
gets their value from the first group. I have following code for filling the

Private Sub Calendar2_Click()
Text0.Value = Calendar2.Value
Text0.Format = "yyyy"
Text3.Value = Calendar2.Value
Text3.Format = "ww"
Text187.Value = Text5.Value
Text188.Value = Text7.Value
Text189.Value = Text9.Value
Text190.Value = Text11.Value
Text191.Value = Text13.Value
Text192.Value = Text15.Value
Text193.Value = Text17.Value
Calendar2.Visible = False
End Sub

Now the problem:

Although, I selected "allow edits" property of the form as
"no", the old records are getting editable by clicking the Calendar 2

I'll be very pleased to have an answer best regards.

Van T. Dinh

AFAIK, the AllowEdits = False only stops the user editing the data. In this
case, *your code*, *not* the user, modifies the data in the bound Controls
and hence the data in the Table when the updating action is done by the
Access Form.

Art Vandaley

Ok. Is there a way doing it by a code?

haber iletisinde said:
AFAIK, the AllowEdits = False only stops the user editing the data. In
case, *your code*, *not* the user, modifies the data in the bound Controls
and hence the data in the Table when the updating action is done by the
Access Form.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Art Vandaley said:

I have a form with "MSCAL.Calendar.7" control. I use it for filling some
textboxes showing days of related week. First group of textbox are unbounded
and for calculation something like following:

control source=Format([calendar2]-Weekday([calendar2];2)+1;"dd/mm";2)

Second group of textboxes are bounded to the related fields of a table
gets their value from the first group. I have following code for filling the

Private Sub Calendar2_Click()
Text0.Value = Calendar2.Value
Text0.Format = "yyyy"
Text3.Value = Calendar2.Value
Text3.Format = "ww"
Text187.Value = Text5.Value
Text188.Value = Text7.Value
Text189.Value = Text9.Value
Text190.Value = Text11.Value
Text191.Value = Text13.Value
Text192.Value = Text15.Value
Text193.Value = Text17.Value
Calendar2.Visible = False
End Sub

Now the problem:

Although, I selected "allow edits" property of the form
"no", the old records are getting editable by clicking the Calendar 2

I'll be very pleased to have an answer best regards.

Van T. Dinh

I am not sure what you are asking???

If you don't want the data to change, then don't write code that changes the

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