Allow 'grouping' and 'un-grouping' of objects



Too often when working with different elements, one cannot multi-select very
well, or "group" objects- to move them around a page, or throughout OneNote's
pages, sections, and notebooks. This would allow a semi-global operation
(such as tagging) a "grouped" set of objects.

Example: a photograph, a figure, and text describing a mechanical task.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Rainald Taesler

HeWhoTalksTooMuch said:
Too often when working with different elements, one cannot
multi-select very well, or "group" objects- to move them around a
page, or throughout OneNote's pages, sections, and notebooks. This
would allow a semi-global operation (such as tagging) a "grouped"
set of objects.

Example: a photograph, a figure, and text describing a mechanical

The lack of grouping/anchoring IMO is the biggest shortcoming of the
current version of ON.
The possibility of grouping objects is essential for commenting.
This feature has been asked for countless times.

We will not see anything in this direction until the next version
(Office 14) which may appear in late 2009 or 2010.

I'm sure that the request has been posted multiple times in "Connect",
the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the developers

You may check there and add your vote and comment.


Steve Thackery

I'm sure that the request has been posted multiple times in "Connect",
the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the developers

You may check there and add your vote and comment.

Is it worth it? It's deader than Elvis in there. Many of the blogs haven't
been touched for months, and none of the recent bugs or feature requests
have been commented on by the team.


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Is it worth it? It's deader than Elvis in there.

Elvis is alive!!!!
Do not produce a war of flames on that <gbg,d&rf>

Sorry, "Connect*" still is *the* place for submitting bugs and making
Many of the blogs haven't been touched for months,

The "blogs" are one thing.
Sources are only *listed* there.
Some of the blogs are really filled with *current* information, others
have no "new" info but still are a treasury of most important things.
But that's not what "Connect*" really is !!!
It is and remains *THE* place for letting the developers know what Users
(a) suggest for future development,
(b) think to be a problem when using ON
and none of the recent bugs or feature requests have been
commented on by the team.

I admit that this is the case.
Perhaps we all might point them to that and let them know that they
possibly do not behave the way their employer wants to have obligations
been fulfilled.

Still: There is no other place for *direct* contacts to the developers.

Whether you think that "Connect" is a useful place or not, which kind of
alternative would you see?


Steve Thackery

Whether you think that "Connect" is a useful place or not, which kind of
alternative would you see?

No, no - I don't want an alternative to Connect. It's fine. I just want
some feeling that the Microsoft team are actually engaged with it and using
it. I don't think they are.


Steve Silverwood

No, no - I don't want an alternative to Connect. It's fine. I just want
some feeling that the Microsoft team are actually engaged with it and using
it. I don't think they are.


Just guessing, but from past experience the way it works is they
definitely -=READ=- all of the postings from users, but they may not
have time to respond to every single one of them, or they can't
because it would disclose some information about the product that they
or the company are not ready to divulge just yet.


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Steve Thackery

Just guessing, but from past experience the way it works is they
definitely -=READ=- all of the postings from users, but they may not
have time to respond to every single one of them, or they can't
because it would disclose some information about the product that they
or the company are not ready to divulge just yet.

I really hope you are right. OneNote is a remarkable product with
exceptional potential. But I honestly think it has some big (and really
silly) holes in it, which their customers are pointing out vociferously. I
believe it is essential the Microsoft listens to its customers if it wants
to make OneNote the success it deserves to be.


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
I really hope you are right. OneNote is a remarkable product with
exceptional potential. But I honestly think it has some big (and
really silly) holes in it,

IMO no one could deny that.
The topic dealt with in this very thread is just one of the best
(better: worst) examples.
which their customers are pointing out vociferously.
I believe it is essential the Microsoft listens to
its customers if it wants to make OneNote the success it
deserves to be.

AFAICS the developers really listen to what the users say and complain
I have hardly ever seen (well, except dBASE where Steve Silverwood was a
great supporter <g>) that *developers* were *active* in newsgroups like
we have had and still have it in here. Even Chris Pratley as the head of
the division used to come here, Daniel Escape too, and - last, but not
least - there's Ilya Koulchin who comes her on a regular basis and does
a whole lot of work to help in solving problems.

IMHO there really is no reason to complain.


Steve Thackery

IMHO there really is no reason to complain.

Good, I'm relieved to hear that. For the record, I wasn't actually
complaining, I was expressing a fear.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

I really hope you are right. OneNote is a remarkable product with
exceptional potential. But I honestly think it has some big (and really
silly) holes in it, which their customers are pointing out vociferously. I
believe it is essential the Microsoft listens to its customers if it wants
to make OneNote the success it deserves to be.

I can assure you that they are listening, even if quietly.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Rainald Taesler

Ben said:
I can assure you that they are listening, even if quietly.

Thanks for sharing your "insiders' " knowledge.
I'll keep my habit of pointing to "Connect" if postings appear which are
asking for new/additional features and/or pointing to bugs.


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