XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
Home setup ie Exchange not installed
I have 2 users on the machine: "his" and "her". His is an admin and her is
limited user.
I initially had both as admins and imported his outlook data into her
account to allow her to view his calender entries/appointments etc from her
For security I changed her to a limited user. The "shortcut" for his
calender is still there in her Outlook but an error "dont have permissions to
expand/open" always comes up.
I tried logging in safe mode, clicking properties of his outlook folder
[containing the .pst] and giving her "read" permissions but still it won't
allow me to have her access the his calnder whilst her is a limited user.
I even tried doing the same thing and giving "full" permission [even though
I didn't want to give her "modify" access]
Any way I can do this [maintain security of my users overall but allow a
limited user to view outlook data - specifically the calender - for an admin
Office 2003
Home setup ie Exchange not installed
I have 2 users on the machine: "his" and "her". His is an admin and her is
limited user.
I initially had both as admins and imported his outlook data into her
account to allow her to view his calender entries/appointments etc from her
For security I changed her to a limited user. The "shortcut" for his
calender is still there in her Outlook but an error "dont have permissions to
expand/open" always comes up.
I tried logging in safe mode, clicking properties of his outlook folder
[containing the .pst] and giving her "read" permissions but still it won't
allow me to have her access the his calnder whilst her is a limited user.
I even tried doing the same thing and giving "full" permission [even though
I didn't want to give her "modify" access]
Any way I can do this [maintain security of my users overall but allow a
limited user to view outlook data - specifically the calender - for an admin