alphabetical order???


Erik Sojka

Which things?

Arranging Sections/folders/pages - you have to manually move them into the
correct order by right-clicking and then selecting "Move...".

Arranging a list of text on a page - you can't do that automatically, but
you can copy/paste into another program, sort, then copy/paste back into


Well, I mean, like putting a List of Movie Titles in alphabetical
I can't hylight the List and somehow put the List in
Alphabetical Order????
You're saying I'm going to have to move the list somewhere else and move every
individual title around until I manually put the List in alphabetical order???
Please say it ain't so, Erik..............
Thanks for your help.......

Ayman Salem

Thats stupid
Stephen R. Diamond said:
No, you will EITHER have to move the list somewhere else (to a program
with an alphabetical sort function) OR you will have to move every
individual title around to manually achieve an alphabetical sort (within

Erik Sojka

Alphebetizing is not a feature in OneNote.

I meant to copy the list to a program that *does* have a
native sort/alphebietize feature.

For example, I just selected a list from one of my Notes
pages, and copied/pasted into a blank worksheet in
Excel. Excel took the list and put one item from each
list into a separate cell. From there, I can select Sort
from the Data menu, hit OK, then copy/paste back into


What if you have 1000 pages and you want to sort the pages or the
folders.... I guess doing it manually would work ok, but who's going to do

John Waller

What if you have 1000 pages

I guess I haven't faced that level of notetaking yet but I can see that that
could be an issue for people.

I use OneNote for lesson records and insert pages where they will go.

For more freeform notetaking across many random pages, sorting will
undoubtedly be invaluable if and when it's implemented.


Well, how about this, is there a way to sort the TITLE's on the right hand

I can have a folder called "fruits" and 50 TITLES on the right naming all
the fruits... but I gather the information about fruits randomnly so later
the titles are not in alphabetical order... I just want to sort the titles
so I can look for APPLE at the top... but now I have to drag and drop the
titles around and alphabetize them manually???

John Waller

Well, how about this, is there a way to sort the TITLE's on the right
hand side?

Not yet.
I can have a folder called "fruits" and 50 TITLES on the right naming
all the fruits... but I gather the information about fruits randomnly
so later the titles are not in alphabetical order... I just want to
sort the titles so I can look for APPLE at the top... but now I have
to drag and drop the titles around and alphabetize them manually???

Unfortunately, yes.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

I haven't been given a definitive list of planned features for the next
release - but I know it's on the wish list so I'm sure they're considering
it. Whether it makes the final cut and gets into the product...too early to


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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