You'll want to place your list in a two-column table with the numbers in one
column and the names in the other column. Word will then be able to sort your
table according to column 2 alphabetically, keeping the numbers with the
A little more difficult is knowing the best way to convert your list into a
table, but with a little imagination & knowledge it can be accomplished. For
example, say your list was formatted as:
1. Tom , 2. Zane, 3. Ann
You could (1) select the text. (2) Do a Find & Replace, where in the find
field one puts a period followed by a space (". ") and in the replace field
one puts a period followed by a comma and a space ("., "). (3) Then you could
convert the selected text into a table with two columns and using the comma
as the "separate text at" character. (4) Then sort your new table according
to the second column.
And if you don't want to keep the text in a table, you can convert the table
(after it has been sorted) back to text.
Steven Craig Miller