alphabetize entire rows by first word of first column


Cindy Sue

I want to make a list of names and addresses putting name, address, city,
state, zip across in separate columns. Is there a way to attach these so
that when I alphabetize the names each of the cells in the row stay with the
correct person?

Luke M

When you go to alphabatize, aka sort the data, make sure you select ALL of
the columns.

Mike H


When you do the sort select ALL the columns then in the sort wizard select
the column to sort on (Name) and all the data will stay in their respective

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Daryl S

Cindy Sue -

There are two basic ways.
First, you can just select the entire range before sorting, and all rows
will remain together.
Second, you can add an AutoFilter to the data and when you sort a column,
all the other columns sort with it, keeping the records together.

Per Jessen

Select the entire table, goto Data > Sort > Sort on 'Name' column.

Hopes this helps.

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