alphabetize sections and pages



How do I alphabetize sections? Also, how do I alphabetize the pages within a

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

How do I alphabetize sections? Also, how do I alphabetize the pages
within a section?

Drag and drop them manually is your only option.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

How do I alphabetize sections? Also, how do I alphabetize the pages within a

You can drag and drop pages to put them in alphabetical order. You can
drag and drop page tabs after you click and turn them a deeper orange

To put sections into alphabetical order, you right click on the
section tab and select Move.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Solution for alphabetizing folders.

There should be a Hidden/System file called "OneNote Table Of
Contents.onetoc" in *each* folder. This file stores among other
things, the placement of folders and sections in the current folder.
See if that file exists or has its modification date changed after each
time you arrange your folders in OneNote. Remember that this is a
hidden file, so you must have Explorer configured to see these files
(Tools | Folder Options | View | "Show Hidden Files and Folders").

=== Solution for alphabetizing sections/folders===

If you don't care for sections' color you can blow away the current
order (and color) like this, warning - it's a hack):
1. In Windows Explorer set to show hidden files
2. Close OneNote
3. Navigate to the folder you want sections to be in alphabetical order

4. Delete *.toc file in this folder
5. Boot OneNote

There is no way in OneNote UI to do this.

Can someone verify this works.

John Waller

To put sections into alphabetical order, you right click on the
section tab and select Move.

Thankfully ON12 has drag-and-drop enabled (plus a host of excellent features
for notebook structuring) which will dispense with this tedious and
unintuitive "Move" procedure.

Unfortunately I haven't seen any automatic sorting features for section tabs
for ON12 mentioned in Chris P's or Owen B's blogs yet.


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