Alphabetize sections



Is there any way to alphabetize sections in OneNote instead of having to do
it manually?

John Waller

That's no.1 on my wishlist for the next version.

So far I haven't seen the feature mentioned in any blogs discussing "OneNote
12" :-(

Steve Silverwood

That's no.1 on my wishlist for the next version.

So far I haven't seen the feature mentioned in any blogs discussing "OneNote
12" :-(

I thought I heard some "rumors and propaganda" recently that this =was=
going to be included in OneNote 12, but I don't have the info handy
right now. If it is, it'll solve some huge problems for me! If it's
not on the list, it really should be.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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