Alt + Click foolishness



I have just learned that after years of pressing the Alt key while dragging
table borders I have to come up with a new way of doing that because the
Research box pops up now, and that there does not seem to be a way of
getting rid of that. I realize there is no way to change it or to prevent
it from being installed or anything other than accept the very, very poor
decision to change Word in this way. They truly do not know what other
departments are doing there, do they?
Anyhow, is there an alternative? I have read about various combinations of
keys and right click or whatever, but I can't find anything that works
without bringing up that accursed box. I'm using Word 2003.

Tony Jollans

The Alt+Click shortcut for the research pane is non-configurable. It does,
however, not stop you using Alt to precisely drag. Press Alt and press *and
hold* the mouse button and you can carry on as before.


For me, it is still working fine. Using Office 2003 and Research is
installed. After reading your post i tried it and it works fine. Maybe while
selecting and dragging you mistakly click on Words.


Sometimes it seems to work OK. I think I need to hold the mouse button
down, and then release it before I release the Alt button, or something.
It's mostly an annoyance, like the Help column popping up each time I open
Word, or that Help looks online first, and that I don't seem to have a way
to change either of those behaviors. As is so often the case the problem is
not the features, but their intrusiveness.

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