Alt-Shift-Left vs. Ctl-Alt-3



I'm organizing a bunch of text that I pasted into a document by adding
headers to separate the topics. The heading text is already there as body
text; I just want to promote it. But, it doesn't quite work ...

The details. The body text is 12 point Times New Roman. Heading 3 is Bold,
12 point Arial. I separate the bit that I want to promote into its own
paragraph and hit alt-shift-left, which nicely promotes it. Unfortunately,
it promotes it to Heading 3 + Times New Roman. (Note, heading 3 is the
prevailing heading level at this point in the document). I really want plain
old Heading 3 the way I defined it.

Ctl-Alt-3 promotes the Body Text to an unadulterated Heading 3.

OK, I can try to remember to use Ctl-Alt-3 instead, but it's possible that
there is some obscure option hidden away somewhere that will make it behave
the way I'd prefer. Plus, I can't quite puzzle out why someone would make
alt-shift-left behave that way on purpose.

Oh - Word 2003 on Windows XP.

Any ideas or suggestions?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?ZW1lbA==?=,
I'm organizing a bunch of text that I pasted into a document by adding
headers to separate the topics. The heading text is already there as body
text; I just want to promote it. But, it doesn't quite work ...

The details. The body text is 12 point Times New Roman. Heading 3 is Bold,
12 point Arial. I separate the bit that I want to promote into its own
paragraph and hit alt-shift-left, which nicely promotes it. Unfortunately,
it promotes it to Heading 3 + Times New Roman. (Note, heading 3 is the
prevailing heading level at this point in the document). I really want plain
old Heading 3 the way I defined it.

Ctl-Alt-3 promotes the Body Text to an unadulterated Heading 3.

OK, I can try to remember to use Ctl-Alt-3 instead, but it's possible that
there is some obscure option hidden away somewhere that will make it behave
the way I'd prefer. Plus, I can't quite puzzle out why someone would make
alt-shift-left behave that way on purpose.

Oh - Word 2003 on Windows XP.
What happens if you press Ctrl+Spacebar on that Heading 3 + Times New Roman

Is the body text formatted with a STYLE? Or are you just calling it body text?
Has the TNR been applied to this "body text" directly? I get the feeling the
answer to these questions are: No, yes, yes - and that the promotion is
"inheriting" the TNR for this reason. If that's the case, create a style for the
body text (or use Word's built-in style). Make sure the font name and size are
defined as part of the style. Remove any direct style formatting (select, then

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Yes, no, no, as it turns out. Body Text (the style) inherits TNR from
Normal. The text I was promoting was specified as pure, unadulterated Body
Text, no TNR or other typeface added.

In the great scheme of things, this is a minor quirk, but like so many of
Word's quirks, I find it to be truly annoying while I'm in the thick of




Hi Ed -

Ctrl+Alt+3 is the shortcut specifically assigned to Heading 3, whereas
Shift+Alt+LeftArrow is [generically] assigned to the OutlinePromote command.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I've tended to use Alt-Shift-Left as a lazy-man's way to avoid paying
attention to the prevailing heading level. I hit shift-alt-left and get
whatever is 'current'.

I suppose I've taken the trouble to post to the forum so that I can be lazy.
Ironic, eh? ;-)



Cindy M.

Hi Ed,
I've tended to use Alt-Shift-Left as a lazy-man's way to avoid paying
attention to the prevailing heading level. I hit shift-alt-left and get
whatever is 'current'.
I agree - this is what I always use - and it has always worked for me.

I don't have enough information to be sure I'm duplicating what you have
(and Word 2007, to boot), but...

I just set up a test document. Normal style TNR 11 pt. Body text style
basing on Normal, 12 pt. Heading 3 also bases on Normal, with Arial 12 pt.

Type text in a new document, apply styles (Shift+Alt+Arrow keys for all
heading styles). Then I go to a body text paragraph, Shift+Alt+Left... And
I get the Heading 3 style with no added formatting. All of this in the Page
Layout view, BTW. So I tried again in Outline view, just to be sure - also
no problem.

So it must be something special in this document. Perhaps a tiny bit of
document corruption? If you:
- CUT a section of body text
- paste special to a new document as "plain text"
- Copy that and paste it back into a paragraph formatted with the
Normal style
- apply "Body text" to it
- then promote one of the paragraphs to Heading 3

Do you see anything different?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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