ALT-TAB Issues in Excel


Ron Z

When I ALT-TAB between two excel files at a fast pace (such as when copying
and pasting data from one spreadsheet to the other) the screens seem to
slightly twitch or randomly blink in some places, or sometimes certain chunks
of cells become white (best way I can describe it), and then sooner or later
ALT-TAB stops working in Excel and I am unable to switch between Excel files
altogether (meaning ALT-TAB doesn't work in Excel or clicking on the Excel
file in the taskbar doesn't bring up the Excel file, similar to when Excel
freezes). Then I have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE and close out of Excel completely.
My "Windows in Taskbar" is checked under Tools/Options/View. This happened
on my previous Dell Latitude D620, so I just upgraded to a Dell Latitude D630
in hopes to fix this problem and it still is happening. This happens
regardless of file size (large or small). Please help! Any advice to fixing
this problem is appreciated. Thank you.



Choose Windows, Arrange, OK (accepting tile).

With two files displayed you don't need to use Alt Tab (which is a Windows
shortcut key).

In this mode you can use Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6 or Shift+Ctrl+Tab or
Shift+Ctrl+F6. These are Excel shortcuts.

This may help solve the problem or it may not but it's worth a try.


I have the same problem and often have more than 2 tabs open so Ctrl+Tab is
not a soultion. I have a laptop at work and one at home and this only
happens on the one at work.

Does anyone have a clue why this happens and how to get Alt+Tab fixed from
this issue?


I have the same exact problem and often have more than 2 excel files open
simultaneously (often 5 or more). I tried the Ctrl+Tab method but I prefer
Alt+Tab as this has worked in the past. I did a full re-install of Office
2003 and it still happens.

Does anyone have a clue why this is happening and how to get Alt+Tab working
properly again in Excel? Please HELP!


Why is Ctrl-Tab not acceptable? Just hold down the Ctrl key and keep
hitting Tab until you get to the worksheet you want.



with ctrl-tab, you have to cycle through all the open workbooks and it isn't
as user friendly. Plus, my question is why doesn't Alt-Tab work correctly,
not what are alternatives.

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