"alt" text for inserted picture does not show on Mouse Over on Pg


Walt Freshour

When inserting a picture using MS Office 2003 Publisher for Web Page design,
the "alt" text does not work on mouse over when Web page has been published.
Other Web page development software that I have this works fine. Sample code
from both below;

Publisher 2003;

<!--[if gte vml 1]><v:rect id="_x0000_s1025" alt="bastpumilio.jpg - 21.45 K
- This image was finished by XXXYYYZZZ.com" style='position:absolute;
o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" fillcolor="white [7]" stroked="f"
strokecolor="black [0]" o:cliptowrap="t">
<v:fill color2="white [7]"/>
<v:stroke color2="white [7]">
<o:left v:ext="view" color="black [0]" color2="white [7]"
<o:top v:ext="view" color="black [0]" color2="white [7]" joinstyle="miter"/>
<o:right v:ext="view" color="black [0]" color2="white [7]"
<o:bottom v:ext="view" color="black [0]" color2="white [7]"
<o:column v:ext="view" color="black [0]" color2="white [7]"/>
<v:imagedata src="image417.jpg"
gain="72818f" blacklevel="3277f"/>
<v:shadow color="#ccc [4]"/>
<v:path o:extrusionok="f" insetpenok="f"/>
<o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"/>
</v:rect><![endif]--><![if !vml]><span style='position:absolute;z-index:1;
left:604px;top:12px;width:135px;height:84px'><img width=135 height=84
src=image4171.jpg alt="bastpumilio.jpg - 21.45 K - This image was finished
by XXXYYYZZZ.com" v:shapes="_x0000_s1025"></span><![endif]>

Other Program;

<img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Walt Freshour/My Documents/My
Pictures/Red Rana Products/bastpumilio.jpg" alt="bastpumilio.jpg - 21.45 K -
This image was finished by XXXYYYZZZ.com" width=424 height=290>

Please someone review and respond back on this issue...




I know very little about coding, so I can't identify the problem that way.
However, from my testing it does appear that the alt tag function is broken
in Pub 2003...don't ask me why. The good news is I think I have a
workaround, but it is perhaps more tedious than just doing without the alt
tags. If you are interested, read the thread: How do I create mouseovers for
web documents? 11/29/05 and the thread: Best Pictures 11/19/05.


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