Alter "Standard Colors" pallete for text (word 2007)



In Word 2007, is it possible to alter either the Standard Colors or Theme
Colors of the text color pulldown such that the new color will REMAIN as a
default in the color palletes?

I know that I can click "more colors" and select a color, which will then
appear on the "recent color" list. But if I close and open the document,
that "recent color" will dissapear.

I'm particularly interested in bringin back the standard blue that was in
Word 2003. The standard blue now is too light for my liking.


Echo S

You just need to alter the theme color scheme, then that color will always
be in that set of theme color choices.

So in Word, you'd to go Page Layout | Themes chunk | Colors button, and from
the bottom of the theme colors button, click "create new theme colors." That
opens a dialog box with the default set of "Office theme" colors.

Click the blue -- Accent 1, I believe you are talking about -- choose More
Colors, choose the Blue you want, and OK your way out. Give the new set of
colors a name, then click Save.

That color scheme should be available in *all* your Office applications now.
(New behavior in Office 2007.) Open the file, choose Page Layout, and select
your new color scheme from the top of the Colors list.

There's probably a way to make your Word files default to a template or
theme that uses that color scheme, but I don't know how exactly. Hopefully
someone else who knows how to do that in Word 2007 will pop in.

Anyway, a couple of things you should be aware of when you're mucking around
in the "create new theme colors" dialog box --

Every theme is created with a set of light and dark backgrounds and text
colors. These are designed so that you can use, for example, a dark
background in PowerPoint but a light background in Word and still have text
colors that allow the font to be readable either way.

The accent colors are all designed to show on either a light or dark
background (as described in the paragraph above).

Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink colors can be changed in this dialog, but
they don't actually show up in where you see the theme colors in the Word
(or other application) interface. (Like if you click Page Layout | Themes
chunk | Colors button, you see 8 colors, not 12. The two hyperlink swatches
and the unused light/dark combo don't show.)

This is because, in the past, these hyperlink colors were part of the colors
you'd select from when formatting any object in PowerPoint. People would
use, say, that plum color on various objects on their slide, but then they'd
find that they wanted followed hyperlinks to show up as a different color.
That meant they'd have to go reformat all the other objects because that one
color swatch was the only way to specify what followed hyperlinks looked
like. It was a real hassle. Now, in Office 2007, these colors are really
reserved for hyperlinks and followed hyperlinks, which is why you won't see
them elsewhere.

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