Ah, I was able to find it quicker than I thought. It took me a 4 days off and
on to find the solution and then I found it by googling dbSystemField in Google
Groups and found a solution posted by Steve Arbaugh in 1998.
Here is a copy of the code I used to create an autonumber (Replication ID)
field in a newly created table.
Sub BuildGUIDAutonumber()
'Using Access97
'Test Procedure
Dim dbany As DAO.Database
Dim tdefAny As DAO.TableDef
Dim fldAny As DAO.Field
Set dbany = CurrentDb()
On Error Resume Next
dbany.TableDefs.Delete "A__A"
On Error GoTo 0
Set tdefAny = dbany.CreateTableDef("A__A")
With tdefAny
Set fldAny = .CreateField("GUIDFld", dbGUID)
fldAny.Attributes = fldAny.Attributes Or dbSystemField
fldAny.Properties("DefaultValue") = "GenGUID()"
.Fields.Append fldAny
End With
dbany.TableDefs.Append tdefAny
End Sub
To add to an existing table that does not already have an autonumber field
Sub TestAfter()
Dim dbany As DAO.Database
Dim tdefAny As DAO.TableDef
Dim fldAny As DAO.Field
Set dbany = CurrentDb()
Set tdefAny = dbany.TableDefs("A__A")
With tdefAny
Set fldAny = .CreateField("GUIDFld", dbGUID)
fldAny.Attributes = fldAny.Attributes Or dbSystemField
fldAny.Properties("DefaultValue") = "GenGUID()"
.Fields.Append fldAny
End With
End Sub