ALtering code behind button on a form...

  • Thread starter robertfuschetto via
  • Start date

robertfuschetto via

I tried another forum, perhaps you guys could help. I would think this would
be simple to enhance...

I have some code. You fill in a table name on a form and press a button. It
goes through all the queries in a db and reports back those queries that
contain the table name. I want to alter the code to look for more than one
table at a time. In effect I have a table that contains the table names I
want it to look for. When I hit the button it should open this table and
start searching queries to see if the tables therein are referenced in the
queries. Here is the current code that looks for one table at a time. How
would I modify it?

Dim QueryNm As QueryDef
Dim TableNm As TableDef
Dim TempTable As TableDef
Dim TempTableName As String
Dim Indicator As String
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim db As Database

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set db = CurrentDb()
With db

'Delete Table: tbl_TempList
For Each TableNm In .TableDefs
If TableNm.Name = "tbl_TempList" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_TempList"
End If
Next TableNm

'Create Table: tbl_TempList
Set TempTable = db.CreateTableDef("tbl_TempList")
With TempTable
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Name1", dbText)
End With
db.TableDefs.Append TempTable

'Start looking thru each Query's Sql to see if it contains the table name
'if so add it to the table: tbl_TempList
For Each QueryNm In .QueryDefs
If InStr(QueryNm.SQL, [Forms]![frmSearchQueriesForTableName]![TableName])
<> 0 Then
Indicator = "Found"
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO tbl_TempList(Name1) VALUES ('"
sqlstr = sqlstr & QueryNm.Name & "');"
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstr
End If
Next QueryNm
End With

If Indicator = "Found" Then
MsgBox "Done!---Will Now Open the List for you."
DoCmd.OpenTable "tbl_TempList", acViewNormal
MsgBox "Done!---No matches found."
End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub


You could use a recordset variable, pointed at your table of table names, and
then you can loop through each record. Add the following to your Dim lines:
Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = db.OpenTable("table of names", dbOpenDynaset)

Now you can loop:
Do Until .EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]

This just displays each name in turn but you get the idea.


Sorry, missed out an rst (you could also use a With/End With):
Do Until rst.EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]

Martin said:
You could use a recordset variable, pointed at your table of table names, and
then you can loop through each record. Add the following to your Dim lines:
Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = db.OpenTable("table of names", dbOpenDynaset)

Now you can loop:
Do Until .EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]

This just displays each name in turn but you get the idea.

robertfuschetto via said:
I tried another forum, perhaps you guys could help. I would think this would
be simple to enhance...

I have some code. You fill in a table name on a form and press a button. It
goes through all the queries in a db and reports back those queries that
contain the table name. I want to alter the code to look for more than one
table at a time. In effect I have a table that contains the table names I
want it to look for. When I hit the button it should open this table and
start searching queries to see if the tables therein are referenced in the
queries. Here is the current code that looks for one table at a time. How
would I modify it?

Dim QueryNm As QueryDef
Dim TableNm As TableDef
Dim TempTable As TableDef
Dim TempTableName As String
Dim Indicator As String
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim db As Database

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set db = CurrentDb()
With db

'Delete Table: tbl_TempList
For Each TableNm In .TableDefs
If TableNm.Name = "tbl_TempList" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_TempList"
End If
Next TableNm

'Create Table: tbl_TempList
Set TempTable = db.CreateTableDef("tbl_TempList")
With TempTable
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Name1", dbText)
End With
db.TableDefs.Append TempTable

'Start looking thru each Query's Sql to see if it contains the table name
'if so add it to the table: tbl_TempList
For Each QueryNm In .QueryDefs
If InStr(QueryNm.SQL, [Forms]![frmSearchQueriesForTableName]![TableName])
<> 0 Then
Indicator = "Found"
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO tbl_TempList(Name1) VALUES ('"
sqlstr = sqlstr & QueryNm.Name & "');"
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstr
End If
Next QueryNm
End With

If Indicator = "Found" Then
MsgBox "Done!---Will Now Open the List for you."
DoCmd.OpenTable "tbl_TempList", acViewNormal
MsgBox "Done!---No matches found."
End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub

robertfuschetto via

thanks...will try!
Sorry, missed out an rst (you could also use a With/End With):
Do Until rst.EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]
You could use a recordset variable, pointed at your table of table names, and
then you can loop through each record. Add the following to your Dim lines:
[quoted text clipped - 75 lines]

robertfuschetto via

Am I on the right do I alter the part that looks through the

Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim QueryNm As QueryDef
Dim TableNm As TableDef
Dim TempTable As TableDef
Dim TempTableName As String
Dim Indicator As String
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rst1 As Recordset

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblIMPORTUserFieldsTable", dbOpenTable)
With db
With rst1
Do Until .EOF
'Delete Table: tbl_TempList
For Each TableNm In .TableDefs
If TableNm.Name = "tbl_TempList" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_TempList"
End If
Next TableNm

'Create Table: tbl_TempList
Set TempTable = db.CreateTableDef("tbl_TempList")
With TempTable
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Name1", dbText)
End With
db.TableDefs.Append TempTable

'Start looking thru each Query's Sql to see if it contains the table name
'if so add it to the table: tbl_TempList
For Each QueryNm In .QueryDefs
If InStr(QueryNm.SQL, [Forms]![frmSearchQueriesForTableName]![TableName])
<> 0 Then
Indicator = "Found"
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO tbl_TempList(Name1) VALUES ('"
sqlstr = sqlstr & QueryNm.Name & "');"
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstr
End If
Next QueryNm
End With

If Indicator = "Found" Then
MsgBox "Done!---Will Now Open the List for you."
DoCmd.OpenTable "tbl_TempList", acViewNormal
MsgBox "Done!---No matches found."
End If


DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub
Sorry, missed out an rst (you could also use a With/End With):
Do Until rst.EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]
You could use a recordset variable, pointed at your table of table names, and
then you can loop through each record. Add the following to your Dim lines:
[quoted text clipped - 75 lines]


Careful, you seem to have too many Withs and VBA won't know which is which!
What I meant was to loop through the recordset (i.e. look through your table
of table names one row at a time) and substitute rst![field of table names]
(which is the name held within the curren row) into your code when it
searches through the query definitions.

robertfuschetto via said:
Am I on the right do I alter the part that looks through the

Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim QueryNm As QueryDef
Dim TableNm As TableDef
Dim TempTable As TableDef
Dim TempTableName As String
Dim Indicator As String
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rst1 As Recordset

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblIMPORTUserFieldsTable", dbOpenTable)
With db
With rst1
Do Until .EOF
'Delete Table: tbl_TempList
For Each TableNm In .TableDefs
If TableNm.Name = "tbl_TempList" Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_TempList"
End If
Next TableNm

'Create Table: tbl_TempList
Set TempTable = db.CreateTableDef("tbl_TempList")
With TempTable
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Name1", dbText)
End With
db.TableDefs.Append TempTable

'Start looking thru each Query's Sql to see if it contains the table name
'if so add it to the table: tbl_TempList
For Each QueryNm In .QueryDefs
If InStr(QueryNm.SQL, [Forms]![frmSearchQueriesForTableName]![TableName])
<> 0 Then
Indicator = "Found"
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO tbl_TempList(Name1) VALUES ('"
sqlstr = sqlstr & QueryNm.Name & "');"
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstr
End If
Next QueryNm
End With

If Indicator = "Found" Then
MsgBox "Done!---Will Now Open the List for you."
DoCmd.OpenTable "tbl_TempList", acViewNormal
MsgBox "Done!---No matches found."
End If


DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub
Sorry, missed out an rst (you could also use a With/End With):
Do Until rst.EOF
MsgBox rst![field name of list of names]
You could use a recordset variable, pointed at your table of table names, and
then you can loop through each record. Add the following to your Dim lines:
[quoted text clipped - 75 lines]

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