Altering Distribution List



Wow! I'm REALLY green in regards to using InfoPath, but I sure can see that
it will be a great asset to acquire the knowledge for working with and in it.

So as a "newbie" would some of you "masters" please give me some insight as
to best handle the following request(s)?

I am basically striving to create a form, which will consist of a
distribution list. This distribution list would change, depending the value
selected by the user via a dropdown list. My question is which control to
use to handle the actual text representing the names on the distribution
list? I was hoping that a group or section would just be able to auto expand
but have discovered that this option does not exist for those controls.
Multiple text fields then? Or just one text box? *shrugging my shoulders*

I should add that this distribution listing would need to include other data
along side each name (ie. Title etc.), so assuming to maintain a
"professional" look to the text formatting structure(s) I will need to
implement it into a table structure????

All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance. :c)

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

For your table structure, you can use a layout table. See for more info
on this.

Can you give a little bit more information about what your background is?
For example, have you worked with databases before? Are you a programmer? Do
you know XML? etc. The danger of saying that you're really "green" in this
group is that people will avoid answering your question. :) And it's always
best to ask one question at a time instead of all at once? Again, because
time is a limiting factor, it takes people less time to answer 1 post that
contains 1 question, instead of 1 post that contains 5. Just a few tips to
get answers in the group...

More questions: What version of InfoPath are you using? If InfoPath 2007,
will the forms be filled-out through a browser? It sounds like you can use a
filter on a repeating table for this, but I will need to know more before I
can suggest anything that may be of use to you.


Thank you for the info' link. I will jump right on it after replying to your

Background? Degree in Computer Science - having majored in programming
(language C). However, have been out of the "programming" world for a few
years. Been more active and involved in database programming (MS Access),
thus general programming logic is not new to me, nor programming in html and
basic. Guess I'm becoming more of a "ticker'er". Once programming is in
your blood it ain't easy to lose the desire. *LOL*.

InfoPath 2007 is indeed the version I am using. Current project objective
is to create a form - period. Currently we have a number of forms created in
MS Word - same format, just different distribution listings/requirements. I
just KNOW there must be a more efficient way to create/manage such processes.
As to which application or format to provide to the
user's....*shrugging*.....I'm still open for suggestions, but seems to appear
that InfoPath is just what we need to implement. :eek:) Not certain/educated at
this point as whether to provide the form via browser or not.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

I like your positive attitude, Angel. I wish more people would be as
enthusiastic as you are!

Have you already tried importing the Word documents into InfoPath? You can
take a look at this demo:
Just a suggestion that might save you initial designing of the form template.

With distribution list you mean a list of names, right? I'm not sure what
you will be doing with the form afterwards, but have this solution in mind:
You can add a drop-down list box to the form. This can contain names of
groups with a corresponding value, which we will call the "groupID". Then you
must create a repeating table or repeating section that will not only contain
each person's name and fields for other information, but also the "groupID"
for each person. This repeating table will correspond to a repeating group in
the Main data source of a form template. You can then use a filter on the
repeating table to filter the data in the repeating table by the group that
is selected from the drop-down.

I'm guessing that by now you are lost, so will provide a few links to get
you familiarized with the InfoPath environment first, so that we are
"talking" the same language. Read these links:

Let me know how you get on?

BTW, I'm curious to hear why you think InfoPath is the solution to your
problem, because I could think of database solution too as you described your


Believe me! My first resolution for most anything tossed my way tends to be
how to deal with it via a database - since that is my "comfort zone". *LOL*
I would have this whole task at hand already completed with that in mind. ;c)
However......I am attempting NOT to get stuck in the same "mind set" and
misusing software applications. To me a database is for handling/organizing
volumes of data. Excel is for handling documentation requiring formula
handlings, and Word for strictly word processes etc. My impression for
InfoPath (at a glance anyway) is for creating forms???? *shrugging* More
details and purposes I know, but at face value is my thinking. We could go
as far as looking for additional "form creating" software, but wanted to work
with what applications we currently have provided to us here at the
workplace, and InfoPath seems to be underused greatly!

REALLY appreciate all your time with me - and providing me with the links to
better guide/educate myself with this (and future) tasks at hand. You may
count on the fact that I WILL be going to each one and "absorbing" every bit
of info'.

Just as a better understanding for this so called "distribution list", you
are correct in your logic as well. It is actually an Engineering Transmittal
Form which I am creating. Thus depending on TYPE of transmittal issued (the
drop-down list box), will auto insert a corresponding value as you mentioned
(GroupID). With the option to append additional recipients if need be.

Anxious to read on, so once again "Thank YOU"! :c)

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