You can find the Include Page command under the Insert Menu | Web components.
You can not do what you want using the FP substitute web bot, as you would have to define one for
every heading, and it would be easier to just add the heading directly to each page.
You would have to use/learn ASP,, PHP or CFM to accomplish with a database as this would be
a custom application, so you would most likely not find any pre-written code snips.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Thanks again.
I keep getting the message "Don't Use Frames". I am happy to follow that advice.
BUT, how do I include?
I found this on FP help
About using a single source of content on multiple web pages
Embedding a web page on other web pages in a web site
You can display a web page on another page in the web site, allowing you to maintain separate pages.
For example, to display a copyright notice on several pages in a web site, create one page that
contains the copyright notice, and include that page on other pages in the web site. When you update
the copyright notice, you simply update that one page; all other pages that include the copyright
page will be automatically updated.
Creating information that can update automatically
A variable is information displayed on a page that can be set to change or update automatically.
Microsoft FrontPage has four predefined variables that gather information automatically when you put
them on a page:
a.. Author
b.. Modified by
c.. Description
d.. Page URL
You can also define a variable yourself, such as a copyright or a comment.
For example, you want to refer to a product throughout your web site, but the name might change. You
define a variable for the product (you set a name and value, such as Product and My Product's Name
1.0), and then place the variable on your pages. If the product name changes, you simply change the
value of the variable you defined, and then new the product name is automatically displayed in your
web site.
This is what I would like to do, but it doesn't say how !
Help says " For example, ........ include that page on other pages in the web site." But where do I
find the include command - it doesn't say. Maybe it is talking about using shared borders - I don't
The second bit also seems to be what I am trying - having variables that can change. It also
doesn't say how. However, until I understand how to include, it is a bit academic.
When you say " build a blank page (or several of them) to use as templates", are you suggesting
that I continue doing what I am doing, that is having one page which I modify in the small bits that
change and then copy in?
This works O.K. but doesn't this mean lots of duplicate code? I was trying (perhaps too hopefully)
to avoid this.
From a confused newbie
Trevor L.
I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?