Jim Burkett
How can I programmatically change the print source so I
can alternate printing from one tray to another tray?
We have set up a report in MS Access that requires
alternating trays during a single report cycle. We have a
primary report that is assigned to print to tray 1, with a
subreport assigned to print to tray 2 due to the need to
print on a different type paper stock. We need the two
reports to collate properly in bin 1. The application
works perfectly when the reports are separated, but once
the second report is merged in as a subreport, it defaults
to the primary report settings and prints out of the same
tray 1.
I have searched the internet for any documentation on
this, but have not been successful in finding an answer. I
originally wrote the report in Crystal Reports, but
switched to an MS Access format as this feature is not
supported in version 8.5. If you know how this can be done
or have an example report that does this, can you please
advise or for supply an example.
can alternate printing from one tray to another tray?
We have set up a report in MS Access that requires
alternating trays during a single report cycle. We have a
primary report that is assigned to print to tray 1, with a
subreport assigned to print to tray 2 due to the need to
print on a different type paper stock. We need the two
reports to collate properly in bin 1. The application
works perfectly when the reports are separated, but once
the second report is merged in as a subreport, it defaults
to the primary report settings and prints out of the same
tray 1.
I have searched the internet for any documentation on
this, but have not been successful in finding an answer. I
originally wrote the report in Crystal Reports, but
switched to an MS Access format as this feature is not
supported in version 8.5. If you know how this can be done
or have an example report that does this, can you please
advise or for supply an example.