I am not sure that we have fully understood your requirement (at least... I
You are creating a Reference Book: So you want the name of the current
Chapter in the left header, and the name of the current topic in the right
And you want each Chapter to begin on a Recto (right-hand...) page?
This is easy, and you don't need a macro. But I do suggest that you read
the following instructions through twice before you do anything. While it's
easy, it must be done exactly this way, and in this sequence, or it won't
First, we get the default section break working for the whole document.
1) Use Find/Replace to find all section breaks and replace them with
nothing. We want to delete them all so we know where we are in the
Now we can set up the Default Section Break, which is below the document
content and thus can never be seen, or deleted.
2) Go to Format>Document>Layout and set "Section start" to "Odd Page."
3) Check "Different odd and even" and "Different first page" to ON.
4) Now go to View>Header and Footer.
You will now see a First Page header, a Left Header and a Right Header in
the document (if you do not, you need to create at least three pages, so
that you can see these things...)
5) Leave the First page header blank: you don't need it, the Chapter Title
will do the job for you.
6) Skip to the Even Page header and use Insert>Field>Links and References
"StyleRef". Click the Options button, go to the Styles tab and choose
"Heading 1" as the style.
While you're in there, drop down to the Footer and insert a Page Number on
the left.
7) Now go to the Odd Page footer and do the same thing, this time choosing
the "Heading 2" style.
While you're in there, drop down to the footer and insert a page number, and
tab it across to the right margin. Word applies a style of Footer by
default in the footers, and that style has a Centre tab and a Right Tab
automatically set in the correct positions.
Now, every Even Page header in the document will contain the closest Chapter
Title. Every Odd Page header will contain the closest previous Topic
Al we have to do now is to force the Chapter starts onto an Odd Page. To do
8) Immediately before each chapter, insert an Odd Page section break (use
There you go! Job's done, and no macros.
It is important to remove the old section breaks first. If you then get the
Default Section Break (which you can't see) correct, each time you insert a
section break after that, it will be a copy of the Default section break, so
you will only have to set the properties ONCE. If you do not remove the
other section breaks first, you will have to carry out all 8 steps for every
section break in the document!
This process assumes that you use the built-in style Heading 1 for your
Chapter titles. If you didn't, change it now: using other styles makes for
far too much work.
This also assumes that you start each new topic with a Heading 2 style. If
you didn't, change that too.
The StyleRef field simply replicates the closest previous text of each style
into the headers and footers for you.
The added section breaks will force a blank sheet when you print if needed
to get the chapters starting on recto pages. The blank sheet is totally
blank, you will not be able to see it unless you print.
Hope this helps
Ah, okay. In my test doc, I set the sections each to Different Odd & Even,
but it still left-justifies each one. Regarding "Odd/Even Page Section
Breaks", can you tell me where I may find those, and how to use them,
explained? The help screens do not seem to cover that. Thanks.
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