Hi everyone, I have a really big Excel workbook with hundreds o
INDIRECT references to other sheets within the workbook. That is th
ONLY type of INDIRECT reference I'm using, but it's slowing my fil
like crazy. Is there an alternative to this? I know INDIRECT i
volatile and that's why it's slowing the whole book down, but I read i
a previous post that INDEX or CHOOSE are non-volatile alternatives.
How do I go about using these functions to reference a range in
separate worksheet? For example, how would I change
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&B$4&"'!W2:W500"), "<1")
to something non-volatile where B4 is the name of the worksheet I'
referencing to ("Month1" is the name, if that's even needed)?
Thank you so much in advance for any help or guidance
INDIRECT references to other sheets within the workbook. That is th
ONLY type of INDIRECT reference I'm using, but it's slowing my fil
like crazy. Is there an alternative to this? I know INDIRECT i
volatile and that's why it's slowing the whole book down, but I read i
a previous post that INDEX or CHOOSE are non-volatile alternatives.
How do I go about using these functions to reference a range in
separate worksheet? For example, how would I change
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&B$4&"'!W2:W500"), "<1")
to something non-volatile where B4 is the name of the worksheet I'
referencing to ("Month1" is the name, if that's even needed)?
Thank you so much in advance for any help or guidance