I'm trying to build a program in Excel that runs a decryption program that's
on about 70 CD's we receive each month. the user has to put the cd in the
tray , run the decryption exe file on the disk and enter the password and
destination folder.
there's just one problem. The destination field is not in the tab sequence.
You have to actually click the field to enter the destination folder.
Is there someway to automate this?
Shell """D:\CompanyName""", vbMaximizedFocus
SendKeys "+{TAB}", True ' can't shift tab into destination field...not in
tab sequence.!!!!!!
SendKeys "C:\Documents and Settings\brogers\Desktop\DecryptionTest"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "Password", True
SendKeys "{Enter}"
Billy Rogers
Currently Using SQL Server 2000, Office 2000 and Office 2003
on about 70 CD's we receive each month. the user has to put the cd in the
tray , run the decryption exe file on the disk and enter the password and
destination folder.
there's just one problem. The destination field is not in the tab sequence.
You have to actually click the field to enter the destination folder.
Is there someway to automate this?
Shell """D:\CompanyName""", vbMaximizedFocus
SendKeys "+{TAB}", True ' can't shift tab into destination field...not in
tab sequence.!!!!!!
SendKeys "C:\Documents and Settings\brogers\Desktop\DecryptionTest"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "Password", True
SendKeys "{Enter}"
Billy Rogers
Currently Using SQL Server 2000, Office 2000 and Office 2003