Alvin Pls Help - EditMode & Allowdetails ?



Hi there !

Im currently programming a pivot table using office web components 11.
First of all Can I use the "EditMode" to write data back to the database ?

Second Question:
If I use a SQL Database behind the web component , then I have all these
annoying plus / minus signs the little ones... with the command
"AllowDetails" false these signs are gone , but then Im not able to display
strings anymore ???

If I use a Cube behind the Web Component , the plus / minus signs are
automatically not there , but i also can't display any strings ?!

I would be very glad if somebody could help me , because I really dont know
how to do it...

Thank you very much !

Alvin Bruney [MVP - ASP.NET]

I believe that behavior is by design and not customizable.

Alvin Bruney - ASP.NET MVP

[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
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