Always Ask Before Opening This Type of File Setting
When downloading files using Internet Explorer, you may see the Open/Save
confirmation box for certain file types. If you uncheck the Always ask before
opening this type of file checkbox, the preference is saved in the user part
of the registry(HKCU). How can I get it to apply to all new and old profiiles
through the Class Root or some other Hive. I have the solution for Office
2003 file types ([HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Document.8]
@="Microsoft Word Document"
"EditFlags"=dword:00010000) but I am unable to get it to work for Office
2007 files.
When downloading files using Internet Explorer, you may see the Open/Save
confirmation box for certain file types. If you uncheck the Always ask before
opening this type of file checkbox, the preference is saved in the user part
of the registry(HKCU). How can I get it to apply to all new and old profiiles
through the Class Root or some other Hive. I have the solution for Office
2003 file types ([HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Document.8]
@="Microsoft Word Document"
"EditFlags"=dword:00010000) but I am unable to get it to work for Office
2007 files.