Ambiguouis Names in Query



I have an existing database (A2000 File Format) which has been working for
over eighteen months with no problems.

It contains several queries which serve as report data sources and which
obtain their runtime values from combo boxes...such as a specific street or
zipcode. These queries have functioned without flaw.

Suddenly in A2003 I have begun to receive the warning that there are
"ambiguous names" in the query expressions and the queries fail.

Nothing has changed except using A2003.

Has anyone else seen this odd behavior and, if so, any ides on corrective



This can mean that you have added a field twice. Sometimes it just means
that you have to put the table name and an exclamation mark in front of
field name in the query.
It can mean that one of your field names is actually the name of a function.
I got caught out with using Eval as a field name. It worked fine in the
forms, the queries and only barfed in the report.


I discovered the error...and is my face red! LOL

Apparently, when I converted the application to 2003 format, I linked it to
an earlier version of my security tables MDB. Accordingly, when that was
corrected the ambiguous names error ceased.

While corrective, I'm still puzzled by what is in the security module that
caused the problem. It's obviously something related to my hamfistedness,
but I'm unsure as to some point, I'll go back a troubleshoot it
just for learning purposes...but for's corrected and my day has
become much better! :)

BTW, thanks for all the made me think.

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