"Ambiguous name detected" in my event procedure



I am getting the following error message:

"The expression On Click you entered as an event property setting produced
the following error:

Ambiguous name detected:"

then it lists the form I am trying to open with the command button.

Jeff Conrad


This is a classic example of Access not cleaning up after
itself. When you delete command buttons from the form,
Access does not delete the underlying code attached to
that button. So if, for example, you create a button
called OpenForm_Click using the wizard and later delete it,
the code is still there in the form's module. If you then
create another button called OpenForm_Click you now have two
subroutines in the code. Access gets confused because it
sees two code routines (or more) for the same button. In
essence Access is going "Dude, what's up with us?"

Go look at the code module behind your form and carefully
look around. You will probably see two or more code
routines for the same thing. Delete the code that is not needed.
Then compile to see if there are any other problems.
That should take care of it.

Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie
Bend, Oregon

"Jeremy" <wrote in message:

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