Ambiguous outer joins




I am having a problem with a query. I am trying to make an equipment list
and I have 5 tables (Category, Sub Category, Component, Subcomponent and
Maintenance) linked linear except for the last two which are linked to the
same table. My goal is to make an equipment list that shows all the equipment
and maintenance required for each piece of equipment.

The table relationships look like this –
Category Table is linked to Subcategory table by category id

Sub Category table is linked to Component Table by subcategory id

Component Table is linked to subcomponent table by subcomponent id and to
the maintenance table by component id

Sub competent table is linked to maintenance table by maintenance Id. So
both the Component table and the Sub component table are linked separately to
the Maintenance table. This is so I can have one maintenance table that keeps
track of all maintenance of components and sub components.

When I build a equipment list query without adding the maintenance table the
query works fine because all the relationships are linear. However when I add
the maintenance table to the equipment list query it won’t work and I get an
error message that says “The SQL statement could not be executed because it
contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed
first create a separate query that performs the first join and then include
that query in your SQL statementâ€.

My Query SQL looks like this:

SELECT Categories.Category, [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryName,
[Components table].[Name of Equipment], [Sub Component Table].[Component
Name], [Maintenence Info].[Maintenance Req'd]
FROM (((Categories INNER JOIN [Sub Categories Table] ON
Categories.CategoryID = [Sub Categories Table].CategoryID) INNER JOIN
[Components table] ON [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryID = [Components
table].ProductID) LEFT JOIN [Sub Component Table] ON [Components
table].[Equipment ID] = [Sub Component Table].[Equipment ID]) INNER JOIN
[Maintenence Info] ON ([Sub Component Table].[Maintenance ID] = [Maintenence
Info].[Maintenance ID]) AND ([Components table].[Equipment ID] = [Maintenence
Info].[Equipment ID]);

I would appreciate any help anyone could provide and creating this query so
I can query out maintenance required for my different pieces of equipment.


Duane Hookom

There is at least one other reply in the tablesdbdesign news group where you
asked the same question. You now have at least two threads going and are
possibly wasting the time of many people who read and respond to questions.
Please confine your questions to a single news group.


Thanks for NOT helping on either reply! I've posted on multiple groups as
I've grown tired of posting on one group and not ever getting any help on my
questions. At least with multiple posts I usually receive at least one
helpful comment.

Thanks for attempting to solve my problem. I'm not too familar with Access
but if I understand you response correctly you are saying I can't join the
maintenence table to both the sub component and component table? My reason
for joining them both to the maintenence table is so I only have one table
that shows all my maintenence activities required for my equipment list and
then I can query this to see what maintenece has to be done on any equipment.
For example my category may be Boats, sub category 14 ft lund Boat -
component would be motor which requires a oil change (maintenence). I would
also have a sub component of the motor which would be a propeller which would
need to be replaced (maintenance). So there for I want a query that tells me
the motor needs an oil change and the propeller needs to be replaced. Is
this possible without having a seperate maintenence table for the component
(motor) and sub-components (propeller)?


Duane Hookom said:
There is at least one other reply in the tablesdbdesign news group where you
asked the same question. You now have at least two threads going and are
possibly wasting the time of many people who read and respond to questions.
Please confine your questions to a single news group.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Karl said:

I am having a problem with a query. I am trying to make an equipment list
and I have 5 tables (Category, Sub Category, Component, Subcomponent and
Maintenance) linked linear except for the last two which are linked to the
same table. My goal is to make an equipment list that shows all the
and maintenance required for each piece of equipment.

The table relationships look like this -
Category Table is linked to Subcategory table by category id

Sub Category table is linked to Component Table by subcategory id

Component Table is linked to subcomponent table by subcomponent id and to
the maintenance table by component id

Sub competent table is linked to maintenance table by maintenance Id. So
both the Component table and the Sub component table are linked separately
the Maintenance table. This is so I can have one maintenance table that
track of all maintenance of components and sub components.

When I build a equipment list query without adding the maintenance table
query works fine because all the relationships are linear. However when I
the maintenance table to the equipment list query it won't work and I get
error message that says "The SQL statement could not be executed because
contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed
first create a separate query that performs the first join and then
that query in your SQL statement".

My Query SQL looks like this:

SELECT Categories.Category, [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryName,
[Components table].[Name of Equipment], [Sub Component Table].[Component
Name], [Maintenence Info].[Maintenance Req'd]
FROM (((Categories INNER JOIN [Sub Categories Table] ON
Categories.CategoryID = [Sub Categories Table].CategoryID) INNER JOIN
[Components table] ON [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryID = [Components
table].ProductID) LEFT JOIN [Sub Component Table] ON [Components
table].[Equipment ID] = [Sub Component Table].[Equipment ID]) INNER JOIN
[Maintenence Info] ON ([Sub Component Table].[Maintenance ID] =
Info].[Maintenance ID]) AND ([Components table].[Equipment ID] =
Info].[Equipment ID]);

I would appreciate any help anyone could provide and creating this query
I can query out maintenance required for my different pieces of equipment.



No I did not say you can't join the maintenence table to both the sub
component and component table. Re-read my post.

Karl said:
Thanks for NOT helping on either reply! I've posted on multiple groups as
I've grown tired of posting on one group and not ever getting any help on my
questions. At least with multiple posts I usually receive at least one
helpful comment.

Thanks for attempting to solve my problem. I'm not too familar with Access
but if I understand you response correctly you are saying I can't join the
maintenence table to both the sub component and component table? My reason
for joining them both to the maintenence table is so I only have one table
that shows all my maintenence activities required for my equipment list and
then I can query this to see what maintenece has to be done on any equipment.
For example my category may be Boats, sub category 14 ft lund Boat -
component would be motor which requires a oil change (maintenence). I would
also have a sub component of the motor which would be a propeller which would
need to be replaced (maintenance). So there for I want a query that tells me
the motor needs an oil change and the propeller needs to be replaced. Is
this possible without having a seperate maintenence table for the component
(motor) and sub-components (propeller)?


Duane Hookom said:
There is at least one other reply in the tablesdbdesign news group where you
asked the same question. You now have at least two threads going and are
possibly wasting the time of many people who read and respond to questions.
Please confine your questions to a single news group.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Karl said:

I am having a problem with a query. I am trying to make an equipment list
and I have 5 tables (Category, Sub Category, Component, Subcomponent and
Maintenance) linked linear except for the last two which are linked to the
same table. My goal is to make an equipment list that shows all the
and maintenance required for each piece of equipment.

The table relationships look like this -
Category Table is linked to Subcategory table by category id

Sub Category table is linked to Component Table by subcategory id

Component Table is linked to subcomponent table by subcomponent id and to
the maintenance table by component id

Sub competent table is linked to maintenance table by maintenance Id. So
both the Component table and the Sub component table are linked separately
the Maintenance table. This is so I can have one maintenance table that
track of all maintenance of components and sub components.

When I build a equipment list query without adding the maintenance table
query works fine because all the relationships are linear. However when I
the maintenance table to the equipment list query it won't work and I get
error message that says "The SQL statement could not be executed because
contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed
first create a separate query that performs the first join and then
that query in your SQL statement".

My Query SQL looks like this:

SELECT Categories.Category, [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryName,
[Components table].[Name of Equipment], [Sub Component Table].[Component
Name], [Maintenence Info].[Maintenance Req'd]
FROM (((Categories INNER JOIN [Sub Categories Table] ON
Categories.CategoryID = [Sub Categories Table].CategoryID) INNER JOIN
[Components table] ON [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryID = [Components
table].ProductID) LEFT JOIN [Sub Component Table] ON [Components
table].[Equipment ID] = [Sub Component Table].[Equipment ID]) INNER JOIN
[Maintenence Info] ON ([Sub Component Table].[Maintenance ID] =
Info].[Maintenance ID]) AND ([Components table].[Equipment ID] =
Info].[Equipment ID]);

I would appreciate any help anyone could provide and creating this query
I can query out maintenance required for my different pieces of equipment.


Roger Carlson

Good plan.

1) Piss-off one of the most knowledgeable and prolific posters on the
2) Piss-off the rest by deliberately flouting one of the rules of
newsgroups: no multiple postings.

Duane Hookom

I did say "please" in my reply and only suggested the issue with
multi-posting. If you have not gotten replies in other threads, then you
might not be asking in the right group or you question might be unclear.

If your objective is to create a list, then your easiest alternative is to
use a report with subreports. If you don't think so then it would be
appropriate to reply with a reason why you can't or won't follow the suggest
rather than SHOUTING that my reply didn't help.

Both of your initial posts included:
"Sub competent table is linked to maintenance table by maintenance Id"
It would seem more "competent" if you told use if the maintenance Id was in
both tables and if it was unique in one or the other. It would be less
ambiguous to all readers if you would provide some sample data.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Karl said:
Thanks for NOT helping on either reply! I've posted on multiple groups as
I've grown tired of posting on one group and not ever getting any help on
questions. At least with multiple posts I usually receive at least one
helpful comment.

Thanks for attempting to solve my problem. I'm not too familar with Access
but if I understand you response correctly you are saying I can't join the
maintenence table to both the sub component and component table? My reason
for joining them both to the maintenence table is so I only have one table
that shows all my maintenence activities required for my equipment list
then I can query this to see what maintenece has to be done on any
For example my category may be Boats, sub category 14 ft lund Boat -
component would be motor which requires a oil change (maintenence). I
also have a sub component of the motor which would be a propeller which
need to be replaced (maintenance). So there for I want a query that tells
the motor needs an oil change and the propeller needs to be replaced. Is
this possible without having a seperate maintenence table for the
(motor) and sub-components (propeller)?


Duane Hookom said:
There is at least one other reply in the tablesdbdesign news group where
asked the same question. You now have at least two threads going and are
possibly wasting the time of many people who read and respond to
Please confine your questions to a single news group.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Karl said:

I am having a problem with a query. I am trying to make an equipment
and I have 5 tables (Category, Sub Category, Component, Subcomponent
Maintenance) linked linear except for the last two which are linked to
same table. My goal is to make an equipment list that shows all the
and maintenance required for each piece of equipment.

The table relationships look like this -
Category Table is linked to Subcategory table by category id

Sub Category table is linked to Component Table by subcategory id

Component Table is linked to subcomponent table by subcomponent id and
the maintenance table by component id

Sub competent table is linked to maintenance table by maintenance Id.
both the Component table and the Sub component table are linked
the Maintenance table. This is so I can have one maintenance table that
track of all maintenance of components and sub components.

When I build a equipment list query without adding the maintenance
query works fine because all the relationships are linear. However when
the maintenance table to the equipment list query it won't work and I
error message that says "The SQL statement could not be executed
contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be
first create a separate query that performs the first join and then
that query in your SQL statement".

My Query SQL looks like this:

SELECT Categories.Category, [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryName,
[Components table].[Name of Equipment], [Sub Component
Name], [Maintenence Info].[Maintenance Req'd]
FROM (((Categories INNER JOIN [Sub Categories Table] ON
Categories.CategoryID = [Sub Categories Table].CategoryID) INNER JOIN
[Components table] ON [Sub Categories Table].SubCategoryID =
table].ProductID) LEFT JOIN [Sub Component Table] ON [Components
table].[Equipment ID] = [Sub Component Table].[Equipment ID]) INNER
[Maintenence Info] ON ([Sub Component Table].[Maintenance ID] =
Info].[Maintenance ID]) AND ([Components table].[Equipment ID] =
Info].[Equipment ID]);

I would appreciate any help anyone could provide and creating this
I can query out maintenance required for my different pieces of


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