ampersand embedded in view and table names



When editing views a tables, why the ampersand (&) embedded in these
names? They are not consistent. Sometimes at the beginning, sometimes
in the middle. This is the strangest thing to me. If I create new
views/tables, etc, will I need to make use of that symbol in the name?

Also, clarify the behavior of the table. If I have a plan up in a
default view then insert new columns or delete others, that "default"
view (if saved) will have the new columns. Does that mean the table
was changed also?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

The ampersand symbol indicates that the character immediately following is
the "hot key" character used to access that menu item using the keyboard.
If you are using a mouse, you can apply the Tracking Gantt view by clicking
View - Tracking Gantt. If you are a keyboard user, however, you access the
Tracking Gantt view by clicking Alt+V and then N. Notice that the ampersand
character immediately precedes the "n" in the word Gantt, indicating that
the N key is the hot key for applying that view.

When you attempt to create a new View, remember that the definition of a
View is as follows:

View = Table + Filter + Group + Screen

Therefore, the four-step method for creating a new custom View is as

1. Select an existing Table or create a new Table (usually by copying and
modifying an existing Table)
2. Select an existing Filter or create a new Filter (usually by copying and
modifying an existing Filter)
3. Select an existing Group or create a new Group
4. Create the new View and then select your desired Screen, Table, Filter,
and Group

I would recommend that you do not modify or delete any of the default Views
(or Tables) that ship with Microsoft Project. Instead, a best practice is
to create new custom Views (and Tables, if necessary) that meet your
reporting needs. Hope this helps.

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