An Access beginner's question re Calculations and other things



I apologize in advance if this questionI is too elementary for this group.
It's a basic "can I do this in Access2007?" question. It comes from a VBA
Excel user (not a professsional) who is learning Access 2007 own his own.

I'm developing a portfolio analysis application in Access. I import the
portfolio data from Quicken (via an Excel spreadsheet) into an Access data
table. I can do some simple Queries, Reports etc on this data table but what
I want to do goes beyond this. Here is what I have and what I want to do:

The portfolio data contain securities, each of which is classified as a
certain Type. I want to sort the securities by Type (easy, using a query).
Then sum the market values for each type, and sum Total Market Value. After
that I need to use these summary values in separate analyses, and output the
results to tables showing different Asset Allocations and Asset Ratios.

I've already written the VBA code in an Excel application that does just
what I want to do in Access. (I'm moving to Access to make it easier and less
subject to data corruption when others in my family use it).

I don't think writing the VBA code will be a problem. My problem is a
conceptual one (read an Access rookie's ignorance). I don't know where to
start (where to put the code? class module? standard module? start with a
query? the role of forms, reports, pivot tables etc) Do I just open a
recordset and code from there? (I should add that, at this point, I'm a
little shakey on what objects, if any, in Access play a role corresponding to
Ranges in Excel).

What I need, I think, is an overview of the major steps I need to do to a
perform this more detailed analysis on the data and generate the output I

If someone can suggest some general guidlines (say, the major steps I should
follow to implement the above) I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you for considering this beginner's queston

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