An error (1415) occurred during the action Open Object



When you paste Excel worksheet with menu edit, paste special,
you can open the embeded worksheet with Excel application by the menu Edit,
Worksheet Object, Open.
But this operation fails in each two or three times, and you recieve error
message like "An error (1415) occurred during the action Open Object."
In Visio2003 it fails ieach three times.
In Visio2007 each two times.
This can be soved, if you save the drawing as previous version, let say save
as Visio2002, and open again. It is documented in MSDN at .


But this story is not finished.
When you save your Visio drawing as old version, and reopen, the error dose
not occur for some times. But the error appears again, when you repeat to
open worksheet object. And after this, The error happens freequently, if you
repeat to open the worksheet object. And now you can never stop this error,
even if you save again as older version.


To avoid such an error in the case of VBA, you have only to put a msgbox at
the last of the code, like,
Sub OpenEandEditObject()

Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Set shp = ActivePage.Shapes(1)
ActiveWindow.Select shp, visSelect
SendKeys "%E", True
SendKeys "O", True
SendKeys "O", True

MsgBox "Pess OK Button."
End Sub
Jun 22, 2012
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After much panic, angst and kerfuffle, I found another very simple cause of this in Office 2010:

If you have another spreadsheet open in Excel and are editing a cell in that spreadsheet, you will get the 1415 error trying to open an Excel Object in Visio.

Go back to other other spreadsheet and press enter to accept the edit or Esc to cancel the edit. Then open the object you were trying to open in Visio 2010.


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