An error message related to hot links


Bob Hewson

I continue to get a pop-up screen when I hit a hot-link to a web
-site That says "windows cannot find 'http:// ------' Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I click it
and it does go away, and Firefox does open, but it is an ongoing

I am not using Windows explorer but rather Firefox (because
explorer 7 won't link to my bank.

How can I stop this message from appearing?

I am using Windows Vista premium with all updates.



Dirk Goldgar

Bob Hewson said:
I continue to get a pop-up screen when I hit a hot-link to a web
-site That says "windows cannot find 'http:// ------' Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I click it
and it does go away, and Firefox does open, but it is an ongoing

I am not using Windows explorer but rather Firefox (because
explorer 7 won't link to my bank.

How can I stop this message from appearing?

I am using Windows Vista premium with all updates.

I suspect that this is not a question about Microsoft Access, the topic of
this newsgroup. Assuming I'm right, does this link offer any solution?

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