Hci Buh Dahc
suddenly after our intranet web server had several security patches
applied, all FrontPage users when trying to open our web are
recieiving this error message, even before the authication dialog box.
"An error occurred accessing your FrontPage web files, Authors -
authoring against a a web server, please contact the webmaster for
this server's site. WebMasters - please see the server's system log
for more details"
There are no events in the server's system log that correlate to
attempted FronPage logins. We are running Windows 2000 Server SP4,
IIS5.0 and FrontPage 2000 client.
Can anyboody please help?
Thanks in advance
suddenly after our intranet web server had several security patches
applied, all FrontPage users when trying to open our web are
recieiving this error message, even before the authication dialog box.
"An error occurred accessing your FrontPage web files, Authors -
authoring against a a web server, please contact the webmaster for
this server's site. WebMasters - please see the server's system log
for more details"
There are no events in the server's system log that correlate to
attempted FronPage logins. We are running Windows 2000 Server SP4,
IIS5.0 and FrontPage 2000 client.
Can anyboody please help?
Thanks in advance