Robert Peirce
See previous post.
This is in the 'MONTHLY DATA' sheet. 'DATA'B2 contains the current
number of the last monthly row. I first use that value to determine the
value in the last row and I next use it to annualize the data. The
values are all indexed from an initial value of 1, so I only need the
last value.
The LINEST equation in the DATA sheet is much more difficult.
Here I want to pick up the 33 from DATA!B3, but sticking an INDIRECT in
there does not work.
This is in the 'MONTHLY DATA' sheet. 'DATA'B2 contains the current
number of the last monthly row. I first use that value to determine the
value in the last row and I next use it to annualize the data. The
values are all indexed from an initial value of 1, so I only need the
last value.
The LINEST equation in the DATA sheet is much more difficult.
Here I want to pick up the 33 from DATA!B3, but sticking an INDIRECT in
there does not work.