analog of Word Pro?



I'm a journalist and need to organize complex stories from multiple sources.
I use Lotus WordPro because it allows you to create sections within a
document and these sections are easy to navigate to by clicking on the file
folder-like tabs at the top of the WordPro document. It looks like OneNote
provides a similar kind of thing. Are there any journalists out there who
have used OneNote and/or WordPro and can tell me if you can accomplish the
same things with Word 2003 by itself?


Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I'm a journalist and need to organize complex stories from multiple sources.
I use Lotus WordPro because it allows you to create sections within a
document and these sections are easy to navigate to by clicking on the file
folder-like tabs at the top of the WordPro document. It looks like OneNote
provides a similar kind of thing. Are there any journalists out there who
have used OneNote and/or WordPro and can tell me if you can accomplish the
same things with Word 2003 by itself?



There used to be a journalist who posted regularly on this newsgroup a
while back who was using OneNote regularly as I recall, but I don't
recall seeing him post here for a while.

I use OneNote for something similar (but under less time pressure than
many journalists). I have projects that I collect information on from
various sources over time and I find it works really well for me.
OneNote is excellent for allowing me to move ideas/fragments around to
get a structure that works well.

I assume that your end product will need to be in some word processed
format? If so, then you will need to do some manual work to get the
final document looking professional since document layout isn't
OneNote's strength. But OneNote is excellent for the organising phase
of a project.

For story-size projects a single section using pages and subpages
works well for me.

For really complex topics a folder / sections / pages / subpages
structure might be necessary. But the simpler section / pages /
subpages structure will be sufficient often, I would think.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Erik Sojka

Organizing research? Tabbed access to a collection of pages? You're
soaking in it!

OneNote is very well suited for this type of use. You shouldn't depend
on it for writing/formatting the story, however.

could you organize a story using only Word? Maybe. Word doesn't (IMO)
have the navigation features that OneNote has. you would have to set up
many bookmarks within a single Word doc, or use Explorer to navigate
around multiple Word docs.

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