Analysis says I have no Meta Robots - Where/How?



A web page analysis shows that I have no Meta Robot tags to optimise the
search engine hits and says I need to add the following tags to my site, but
when I do the whole thing changes! Where should I put these tags in
Frontpage or does Frontpage have an equivalent?

<META name="owner" content="email address">
<META name="author"content="name">
<META name="ROBOTS"content=index,follow">
<META name="REVISIT-AFTER"content="7 days">

David Baxter

None of those tags will do anything except possibly slow down search
engine spiders. Don't bother inserting any of them. If you have already
inserted them, delete ALL of them,

The first two are entirely redundant, adding nothing at all useful.

"<META name="ROBOTS"content=index,follow">" is also totally redundant,
since what it says is "Robots (spiders): Do what you always do anyway --
index this page and follow the links to other pages". The only time this
tag has any purpose at all is if you want to instruct the spider NOT to
index or NOT to follow links or both, in which case it should read <META

"<META name="REVISIT-AFTER"content="7 days">" does NOT instruct the
spider to return after 7 days -- you don't decide that anyway, the
spider does. What the tag DOES say is "don't bother coming back for at
least 7 days because nothing is going to change here in that time
anyway". You don't usually want to reduce how often spiders visit your
site -- usually, you want to try to do things to encourage them to

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