Analysis Toolpak Question



I recently added the Analysis Tookpak and have noticed some problems.
When using functions from ATP it will not show a popup that shows what
are supposed to put in the function.

For example if you type in =IF( it will show a window that says:

=IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false]) to remind you what
to put in

but if you type in for instance =randbetween( nothing shows up.

I can go into the insert function menu to view the requirements but it
much easier to have it show up on the screen when you are trying to
understand new functions. Is this just how it works or is it only
happening on
my computer?

Bernard Liengme

That's the way it is.
You do know about typing, for example, =randbetween(
and then using CTRL+A to popup the Insert Function dialog?
According to the Excel12 blog, in the next version all function are created
best wishes

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