analyze relationships report with Excel



I am working with a database created by someone who is not available to me to
ask questions of. So I'm flying blind trying to figure things out. Anyway,
I'm trying to figure out the tables and have run the Relationships report and
found the option to analyze the relationships in Excel -- which sounds like a
great tool for me right now. Unfortunately, when I select the option all I
get is a blank Excel worksheet.

What might I be doing wrong or is there something that needs to be set so
this feature works?


Jeff Boyce


"Analyze in Excel" is a bit of a misnomer. You are actually exporting to
Excel. If what you have is a Relationship diagram, I'm not sure there's any
"data" there to export to Excel.

Have you tried exporting the diagram to Word?

I'm assuming your purpose is to send something to look at to someone
somewhere else.

Could you print the Relationship diagram and FAX it (or .pdf-it and send


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor


What I want to do is to get the data into a file from which I can work with
it. That's why I liked the option of moving it to Excel. I want to be able to
see what fields are in each file and then make decisions on add, deleting,
merging, etc. fields from the tables.

So I want the data in the same structure as in Access, not just in the
"presentation" format as a report.

Jeff Boyce

I wonder if you'd have more luck saving the Relationships report that gets
generated, then using the design view to "discover" the underlying query. I
suspect that would be data you could export.

Or maybe you could take advantage of one of the other tools out there for
analyzing your database...


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

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