Ancor/bookmark problem



Ive got a page that contains an Iframe. The Iframe page is fairly long and
requires scrolling.
It is placed toward the bottom of the main page.
There are several links on the main page that link to ancors/bookmarks on
the Iframe page.

When one of these links is clicked, both the main page and the iframe scroll
to the bookmark.
Is there anyway to force just the Iframe to scroll and keep the main page in


MD Websunlimited


Can you provide a URL or the hyperlink code? I need to see what you're doing to cause this.



No as this is an application Im developing locally.

Here is the code involved:

link on main page:
<A target="actionwindow" href="myiframepage.asp#SEVENAM">

IFRAME code in main page.
<iframe name="actionwindow" src="myiframepage.asp" height="456" width="100%"
border="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1">Your browser
does not support inline frames.</iframe>

Bookmark in myiframepage.asp
<a name="SEVENAM">7AM</a>

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