And how to Increment Date in each new subForm ?



Woops! Forgot to include in the... How to add subForm copies Post...

Each time we copy & past the subForm we want to increment the
"Delivery Date" by 7 days.

So we have to be able to reference the last subForm item "delivery
Date" field and add 7 days to it each time we "paste" a new copy of
the subForm.

It would certainly be helpful if anyone could share a code snippit
that may get me started on this.

Some orders are entered for 52 weeks. If we can't auto-increment the
delivery date someone will have to sit and type in the delivery date
on all 52 copies of the subForm.

Thanks again for any help with this.


John W. Vinson

Some orders are entered for 52 weeks. If we can't auto-increment the
delivery date someone will have to sit and type in the delivery date
on all 52 copies of the subForm.

No. You don't.

Have a utility table named Num, with one field N, with values from 0 through
10000 or so. Have a field HowMany in your table.

Create a Query including a calculated field

DeliveryDate: DateAdd("d", 7*N, [StartDate])

with a criterion on N of < [HowMany].

Result - 52 records, with delivery dates - with *one* stored record.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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