And more graph problems :



And more graph problems :

- I draw a graph as a vector .pict file of size 11 x 8.5". I drag the
picture into a Word page set at landscape view, margins and footnote
size set at 0, so that the graph fits in the whole page (11 x 8.5).
Sometimes if I select and copy the picture onto the clipboard, it is
truncated to 8.5 inches wide. Anything drawn entirely pass 8.5 inches
from the left edge of the page is missing. Lines drawn across the 8.5
inch border are not missing. It appears Word thinks the landscape
picture is in portrait view.

- If I edit the graph picture, traces that are made of line segments
touching end-to-end are converted to a polyline type of graphical
object, and I can't edit the individual line segments. To be fair,
Canvas does the same thing. MacDraft II (which is old) leaves the
segments as they are, which allows them to be edited.

- The graph already has its own figure label which I wish to include
into a table of figures. I try to do this by :

- edit the picture of the graph
- select the figure label text in its text box
- set its style to heading 1 (or some new style named, eg.,
"figures" based on heading 1)
- close the edit picture window
- create a table of figures based on the heading type of style
- insert a table of figures.

However the resulting table contains the whole graph, not just the
graph figure label.
I noticed that the style of the graph is heading 1. Changing it to
normal and doing a new insert table removes it from the table, but the
figure label is also missing, even though editing the picture verifies
the style of the figure label is still heading 1. How do I put only the
figure label into a table of figures ?

Any ideas ?›

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