Animated gif


Adam Klee

Are there any possibilities to play ani-gif images in Excel 2000.
I've found one macro in the net, but it's dedicated to Excel 97 and doesn't
work propertly.
Play - I mean play f.ex on UserForm ?
Thank on advance for any suggestion.

Mark Rosenkrantz


Yes there are.
Each gif should be seen as an object and an object can be placed upon and
thus moved on a worksheet.
As in left and top.

These you can find in the visual basic editor where a lot of code can be
written to do that job.


More Excel ? or (e-mail address removed)

Tom Ogilvy

Think you have to put a internet explorer control on the userform and play
the gif in that.

Tom Ogilvy

Guess I should have said Web Browser control. A sampling of some answers to
this question from the past:


it' s really easy. Use the "Gif89 1.0"-Control. You can get it on in the Corner "Für Programmierer -
VB6/C++ - Controls". Before you can use it, you have to register this
control with "regsvr32.exe"

Have a nice day
Peter from Tyrol, Austria

From: Efstratios Malasiotis ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Animated gif in a userform or spreadsheet ???

View this article only
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.excel.programming
Date: 2000/06/18

Hi Jonco,
I don't think that Excel itself can do this. You'll have to use a control
(Microsoft, third-party, your own).
For example you could use Microsoft Web Browser and use
WebBrowser1.Navigate="anigif.gif". Not a
good solution though.


You can view animated gifs and URLs through a VBA dialog, just add a webb
browser control to your form and use the navigate method to direct
it to the URL or animated gif:

With Me.WebBrowser1
.Navigate "d:\flame.gif"
End With

The browser control is contained in SHDOCVW.DLL (probably in your win\sys32
dir, if you have it installed)


Andrew Baker.

Did you try:

Add a Web Browser control to the form, then set it's contents to be the gif
in code:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

webbrowser1.Navigate "file://c:/mydir/myfile.gif"

End Sub

Hi Tom

You can not do that unless you use external components -like the webbrowser
component. The resource overhead hardly makes it worth it -my 0.02 only.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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