Animation GIF files Outlook 2007 to Express



Hopefully to make matters a little easier on the folks like Me that Want
Animation in my emails I have a question please.
Can I go to Outlook Express from Office Outlook 2007? In other words can I
download Outlook Express and run it instead of the My Office 2007 Outlook?
Will that solve the problem of not having animations (GIF files)?

Any other solutions offered would be greatly appreciated.


While I appreciate your reply I don't have Outlook Express on my computer. I
just got the computer new as a gift in October and it came with Vista
Preloaded. I then installed Office 2007 on it. I make my own Animated, Sound
Cards for my family and friends so this is why I want these features so
badly. I have searched and I cannot find the answer of being able ot go
backwards to Outlook Express. Perhaps you would be more knowledgeable about
where to find this out?
Thank You

Roady [MVP]

Windows Mail is the successor of Outlook Express on Windows Vista which is
on your system by default. Windows Live Mail can be downloaded which is a
separate mail client as well but can be seen as a further developed version
of Windows Mail.


Rvtime said:
While I appreciate your reply I don't have Outlook Express on my computer.
just got the computer new as a gift in October and it came with Vista
Preloaded. I then installed Office 2007 on it. I make my own Animated,
Cards for my family and friends so this is why I want these features so
badly. I have searched and I cannot find the answer of being able ot go
backwards to Outlook Express. Perhaps you would be more knowledgeable
where to find this out?
Thank You

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

unless your friends and family uses a mail client that supports animation
and sound, they won't see it.

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **

Rvtime said:
While I appreciate your reply I don't have Outlook Express on my computer.
just got the computer new as a gift in October and it came with Vista
Preloaded. I then installed Office 2007 on it. I make my own Animated,
Cards for my family and friends so this is why I want these features so
badly. I have searched and I cannot find the answer of being able ot go
backwards to Outlook Express. Perhaps you would be more knowledgeable
where to find this out?
Thank You


You Think?

LOL Just kidding.

Robert, pointed me in the right direction with Windows Mail, God Bless his
heart. Now if I can figure out how to transfer all of the information form
Outlook to the Windows Mail I will have it made.


It looks as if I can use Windows Mail. Now all I have to do is figure out
how the transfer my mail information from Outlook to Windows Mail.
Thank You so Much.

Brian Tillman

Rvtime said:
It looks as if I can use Windows Mail. Now all I have to do is figure
out how the transfer my mail information from Outlook to Windows Mail.
Thank You so Much.

You should be able to import your mail data directly into Windows Mail.
File>Import>Messages>Microsoft Outlook. File>Import>Other Address Book>Text
File (CSV) for the contacts (which you will have to export to a CSV in
Outlook first).



THANK YOU so much. With your help I was able to switch programs as slick as
1 2 3. Somethimes just that bit of help from another makes all the difference
in the world. Again,

Brian Tillman

Rvtime said:
THANK YOU so much. With your help I was able to switch programs as
slick as 1 2 3. Somethimes just that bit of help from another makes
all the difference in the world. Again,

You're welcome.

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