Animation loops



I have two elements on one slide that I want to fade in
and fade out in turn. Then I want to loop this sequence
until I am ready to begin the bulk of the presentation. I
can't seem to find how to do the latter. Can anyone
please help?



I've always done this (based on 2000 - XP is more fiddly):

Make your anim into it's own presentation (call it 'loop' say). Make sure
its set to 'loop continuously until escape'.

In your main pres, insert 'loop.ppt' as an object on your first slide
(Insert Object / Create from file (browse for file / link / display as

For the icon, set the Multimedia Settings in the Custom Animation dialogue
box to 'Show' and 'Hide while not playing'.

When you run you main pres, the loop will run as your first cue and will
loop until you press Escape. You will then 'drop back' to your main first
slide and your next cue will be your main second slide. For perfection,
have the main first slide match the slide where you plan to press escape -
then coming out of 'loop' will be imperceptible.

You can insert the loop again wherever you want (simply copy and paste the
icon representing the 'loop.ppt' file). You can also easily change the file
represented by highlighting the icon and (Edit / Links) changing the source.

Hope this helps. Regards,

(cut the 'bull' to reply by email)

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