animation order with sound...



I have a slide that the client wants a song to loop (no problem there)
and then have a series of photos come up in succession while the music
plays. I can get the music to start (it's an mp3 file) and the first
photo comes up, but no other photos come up.

I can get the photos to work in succession without the sound file, but
not when the sound file is added to the presentation.

The sound file is at the top, the first photo is next using the "with
previous" setting so it comes up right after the sound plays, and each
susbsequent photos has the "after previous" setting to, supposedly,
come up after the previous photo. No luck.

Suggestions would be great. I'm using PowerPoint 2004 for the Mac, but
I also have it on my PC too.



Thanks, but that's not what I'm getting at. I can get the sound to
play, but only the first image in a series of images I would like to
show up while the sound plays, shows up.

How can I make ALL the images show in succession WHILE the sound is

I've been wracking my brains and I'm sure I'm missing something simple.


Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Michael,

I'll take a stab at this one.

Have set timings on the slides? You can do this several ways.

You can use the SlideShow menu and record individual timings for each
slide (Rehearse Timings), or you can do every slide at once and give
them the same timing (Slide Transition). But you may need to change for
the slides to play using those timings instead of waiting for a mouse
click (Slide transition).



I think you're missing that I'm trying to do this on ONE slide. The
music will start and the imags will dissolve on, and possibly off, in
succession. Until all images are finished and the user clicks to go to
the next slide.

As I mentioned, the image animation works fine without the music. Once
the music is added and moved to the top of the custom animation list,
the animation no longer works past the first image.

Hope I made this a bit more clear.


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