ANN: MacTech's VBA/AppleScript Transition Guide Now Online

  • Thread starter Steve Rindsberg
  • Start date

Steve Rindsberg

For any of you who want to learn how to automate PPT and the other Mac Office
apps using AppleScript (and for anyone who plans to do any Office automation in
the upcoming 2008 version), this is something you'll want to check out. Here's
the announcment verbatim from MacTech:

MacTech's VBA/AppleScript Transition Guide Now Online

See it today at

With Office 2008 for Mac no longer supporting VBA, most Mac Office scripters
need to move to AppleScript. To help with this transition, MacTech Magazine has
published its approximately 150 page transition guide in the April issue of
MacTech Magazine. This triple-size issue was sent to subscribers as part of
their normal subscription.

With overwhelming response, MacTech has now made the guide available for free
online, as well as provided PDF download and printed copy options.  You can get
the PDF now at

and you can order a back issue of the printed guide (while supplies last) at

For months, MacTech worked with a team of VBA, AppleScript and Office experts
from around the industry to create the most comprehensive guide available to
aid users in migrating from VBA to AppleScript. Chock full of step-by-step
examples, it not only helps people migrating from VBA, but is useful for anyone
who would like to AppleScript Microsoft Office.

Bundled with the PDF download, the Macintosh Business Unit at Microsoft is
sponsoring a limited number of complimentary subscriptions. Individuals just
pay a shipping and handling charge for the bundle of $9.95 to receive MacTech
monthly for six months in the US/Canada.  International pricing available as
well. For more information, and to fill out a short survey to qualify, go to

Subscribers who have received the April issue, and want the PDF as well, should
simply contact MacTech's customer service department.

====================== ### ==========================

Disclaimer: I helped the author, Paul Berkowitz, a bit with the PowerPoint
section of this issue. Whether it sells 1 copy or a million, my wallet stays
the same size. I'm making this announcement publically because it's such an
incredibly thorough and impressive piece of work, one that will be a
near-necessary reference for anyone moving forward into 2008 with Office

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP

David M. Marcovitz

When I go to the above address, it seems to indicate that I must sign up
for the "free" subscription in order to get the guide.


It looks like you have to get the "free" ($9.95) subscription in order to
get the PDF version of the guide. The free HTML version is available

But don't plan to print it out as you have to navigate page by page in
this version.


David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

Steve Rindsberg

David M. said:
When I go to the above address, it seems to indicate that I must sign up
for the "free" subscription in order to get the guide.

You're right. It seems that the PDF is "free with every subscription".

I'll pass that along.

I don't see it the magazine on the stands at the usual places I haunt and even
if I did, it's $8.95 a copy. A buck more for a trial subscription seemed like
a reasonable deal, and IMO this one article will be worth several times that to
me. And I got the free PDF. <G>

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP

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